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James's Point of View

"Oh, sweet sleep. How art thou so beautiful?"

Stefan flopped into my bed, snuggling right on in and closing his eyes. I laughed, prying his shoes off his feet to put them by the door. "You need to shower and change your clothes first."

He opened one eye, and looked at me pitifully.

"No no no. You need to." I said, pulling him out of bed so I can change the now dirty sheets while he cleans himself up. He grumbled tiredly, and went to the bathroom.

I quickly put clean sheets on the bed, rolling my eyes at how gross the ones he laid on had gotten. I slipped into my pajamas before I got in bed, waiting for him.

He came out in a towel. "You didn't give me any clothes."

"Oh. Well, that's just awefull luck, isn't it?"

His eyes narrowed on me for a second, and I smiled innocently, pretending to look around for clothes he could put on. He shook his head, walking over to the side of the bed I left open for him. "Excited to have me back, are we?" He asked, grinning.

I shrugged, rolling on my side so my back faced him. "Goodnight, Stefan."

The lights went off after I finished speaking, and he slowly got into bed next to me.

After a minute, he gently pulled me over so I could see him, and he kissed me sweetly. "If it helps, I missed you, too."

I smiled, and he chuckled, kissing me again. I kissed back this time, lifting myself up to meet him halfway. He broke the kiss only to pull my shirt off and over my head, and was immediately back to having his mouth on mine.

"Mine, mine, mine." He whispered to himself, as if he was in disbelief. He started kissing down my body, going from my mouth to my neck, down to me chest and stomach, before he pulled my bottoms off to kiss my thighs.

"Stefan, there are other people in the--"

He popped back up, and kissed my lips so hard my head pushed into the mattress. 

"What were you saying?" He asked, and I tried and failed catching my breath before I spoke.

"Keep going. K- keep going." I changed my mind, not caring about Steve's poor super-soldier ears.

And go he went.


"Had fun last night?"

I glanced at Nat, who looked at me, waiting.

"Maybe." I answered cooley, checking my phone for the 8th time. Stefan had been ordered to report to the infirmary this morning after Fury found out he got injured on the mission yesterday, and Nat and Clint apologized for letting it slip as they entered the compound to find him getting ready to leave.

Nat and Clint were put in the infirmary all night for their minimal injuries; Stefan told me the doctor would be harsher with him due to his age.

Nat and Clint seemed worried when they heard he was going to see the doctor, and mumbled something about 'forced medical leave' to each other before shutting up when they noticed me staring at them.

"Okay. Just remember he's not as young as he used to be; might break his hip if you guys go too hard or something." She teased, grinning as she sipped her coffee. I didn't flinch, but instead just maintained eye contact, the corners of my mouth curling upward. She and I had a stare-off, before she broke it to look at Steve, who entered with an agitated look on his face.

"Everything okay?" I asked as he plopped in a chair next to me. "No." He answered, a bite in his tone as he took my coffee off the table and drank it.

"Sorry for keeping you up." I said, giving him an apologetic smile. He scowled at me, and I shrugged. "Sorry? Yeah, yeah, sure." He muttered, the bite in his tone turning into a New York accent that only came out when he was pissed beyond belief.

I blinked at him. "You gonna go ahead and New-Yorker yell, or just sit there and stomp your feet?" I asked, and Steve snatched my breakfast from me, taking a deep breath in preperation. "Okay, okay. I wanna know why you thought it was a good idea to attack each other like starving fuckin' hyenas while I'm right the fuck next door! No soundproofing, no heads up, no warning, just a goddam scream of 'oh god, oh god!' like a motherfuckin' preacher! And then, this morning, I decided to talk to your little friend as he packed up to leave this morning like a hitch hiker headin' down route 35, because you two were ramming your bed into the wall so hard you were shakin' my bedpost! He tells me I needed to take it up with you because you're the one who wanted him to go as hard as a block of sharp cheddar! So, now, at 5:30 in the fuckin' morning, I'm process'n the biggest headache of the millenia while simultaneously trying to find some part of me that can still look at you the same way, after I realized that it was my best friend begging to take it harder up his ass when buster-mc-ass-buster is shoving into you so hard that he's smashing a goddam hole in the wall-- which I hope you realize is coming out of your paycheck, because I'm not taking the heat for this one-- And now you sit here like the little whore you are, staring at me with a smile on your face like this is some sort of comedy stunt! And it's amazing to me how you can sit there on your ass as if lover boy didn't just loosen all the shit stuffed up in you, and yet you're still so stuffed full of it that you're spewin' it out of ya mouth with all these dumbass questions that you already know the fuckin' answers to!"

"Holy shit." Tony stood, mouth agape, while Steve took a deep breath, staring at me with a pissed off face, which was also pinched at the bridge of his nose, letting me know his headache was still prevalent.

"Well, gee. Tell me how you really feel."

Stefan. Always at the best of times.

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