TPC - 2

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Mar's POV - 2 days later - 10:30am

We ran one of the biggest drops we've ever done yesterday and man was I exhausted. I was meant to text Cela but I forgot. The drop was successful and everything went to plan. David did his thing and I was looking at him to give him a higher rank, he really out'ere doing good for me.

I pulled out my phone and texted the number Cela left for me. I noticed she ain't take mines.


Good morning. I'm sorry I ain't text you, I been busy. Hope you good?

I'm good and it's okay. Hope you good too

What you got going on today?

Nothing. Just chillin, I'm off from work today.

You wanna roll with me today ?

Um, I was gon meet my friend.

Bring that ass on. Send me yo pin, imma come get you.

*sends pin*

Imma be there in 30.


Cela's POV :

I called Imani into my room to show her what Mar just sent me.

'Imani, come in here real quick. Hurry!' I shouted to her and I heard her run upstairs from wherever she was downstairs.

'Wassup sis' she said as she sat down by my desk and I passed her my phone.

'Look at that' I said and her jaw dropped.

'Bitchhhhhh. Who is he?' She asked me and I shrugged.

'Well I met him first at work, then again 2 days ago when I went out with David. I guess they're friends or something i don't know' I said and stood infront of my mirror to check my outfit and hair.

'Oop. I mean where are y'all gon go? You excited?' She asked me and I shrugged.

'I'm scared shitless. Like, what could we be going out for? I look so embarrassing oh my' I said, getting into my own head.

'Girl. You look good, you smell good, your hair is good, your body even better. Don't worry about none of that' she said to me, and slapped my butt.

'Thanks sis' i said uneasy and I air kissed her. I heard my phone ping. 'I guess that's him, I'll see you later. If you need anything, text me and I'll come' I said.

'Girl, imma be fine. Imma go meet up with some friends in a bit. Mama gave me some money yesterday, I'll be aight. Enjoy yourself' she said and I walked downstairs and outta the house.

I walked out of the house and I looked to his car. He was watching me so intently and I was so scared that I looked bad or something. It was real nice though, he had one of those new Mercedes'. It was definitely giving.

The Plug's Crush (BBW) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora