TPC - 17

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CELA'S POV - at the hospital

I sat in the hospital waiting room with Mani and Po and honestly, I felt empty.

My heart was in so much pain as I had flashbacks to Mar's lifeless body.


'Oh my gosh baby!' I shouted as he fell into my arms and I saw his eyes roll back into his head.

I saw the car that shot at him drive off fast, almost hitting someone who was walking, but I didn't see a face and I felt so useless.

'Mani, call 911' I shouted to Mani who was in the front room.

My mind was running a mile a minute, and I couldn't even breathe at this point. My mind was trying to imagine life without him, but I couldn't. I needed him with me.

'Stay with me baby. Imani hurry up' I shouted at her, and saw that she was on the phone to 911, and she was crying.

'Ion know if I'm gon make it mama. But I love you so much, more than myself' he said, and his eyes were continuing to roll into the back of his head. But I saw him blinking, he was trying to fight it.

'I love you so much Marcel, don't talk like that please baby. I need you to fight, please try for me' I said to him, now sitting on the floor, rocking him back and forth, crying over his body.

I was covered in his blood, but I didn't even care, I just wanted him to be alive.

I needed him to be alive.

I saw the ambulance pull up, and they quickly carried Mar into the car and I went with him.

End of flashback...

I was just zoned out staring into space. We had been here 5 hours and I haven't heard anything. I don't even know if he's alive.

'You okay Cela? You need something?' Po asked me, taking me out of my thoughts and I shook my head no.

'You sure sis? You should eat something' Mani said and I got up and stood up and walked away.

I heard footsteps behind me and saw Mani.

'Just leave me alone Mani. Please. I need to be alone' I said to her through glossy eyes and she nodded and walked back over to the waiting area with Po.

'Excuse me, is there a quiet place that I could sit?' I asked the nurse politely and she nodded, smiling.

'Yeah we have a chapel, just to the right' she replied to me and nodded.

'Thank you' I said and wiped my cheek, walking away.

I walked into the chapel and sat in the pew closest to the door, just incase I heard something about Mar.

I broke down crying and started praying. I didn't know what to do at this point, like I felt helpless.

When we were in the ambulance, they was talking about Mar being shot in his back, near his spine. I'm not sure if they hit his spine or what's happening now. They were saying that if they didn't remove the bullet quick enough, Mar would be paralysed.

Remembering that made me cry even harder. I knew it would break Mar if he woke up with no movement, cause I knew how independent he was. He didn't like relying on people, he wanted to do everything for himself. Feeling like he couldn't do anything for himself would hurt him.

'God, I really hope Marcel is okay. I pray he wakes up fine. Ion know what to do Lord. I don't know how this happened. I feel so broken, and I don't know how I'm ever going to sleep. I pray the surgery goes well Lord and I pray he will be healed' I started and by the time I was finished praying I was in pieces.

I finished up in the chapel and then walked back into the waiting area where Po and Mani were talking.

'You okay?' Mani said as she saw my puffy eyes and my mascara dried face.

I shrugged and sat by myself, away from them.

Our mama couldn't come because she was working.

I didn't even think about calling Mar's mama but thankfully I had his phone and his password so I gave her a call.

'Now boy, why you calling my phone at this time?' Mar's momma joked and I stayed silent.

'Um hi, this isn't Marcel, I'm his girlfriend Cela. He's in the hospital' I said and she gasped.

'He's what?' She shouted 'tell me where?' She asked and I told her the exact name of the hospital and where we were sitting.

She ended the call and I sighed.

'I'm gon go get you something' Po said and walked off.

Mani came and sat with me. She wrapped her arm around mine and rested her head on my shoulder. We started to drift off to sleep when we heard a woman shouting at the reception.

'Where's my son at?' She shouted and I was guessing that was Mar's mom.

He looked just like her. He had her entire face and she had a short cut, that was blonde. She was really beautiful.

'Are you Mar's mom?' I asked her and she nodded, and pulled me into her, hugging me tight. 'I'm so sorry, from the bottom of my heart' I apologised to her. I felt so much guilt.

If he never wanted to come to my house, this never would've happened I thought to myself.

I explained to Mar's mama what happened and she looked at me in disbelief.

Then the doctor and two nurses came out and we all stood up.

'Marcel St James?' The main doctor said and we all nodded.

'He's out of surgery. It went well and we were successfully able to remove all the debris. However...' the doctor said.

'However what? Just speak bruh' Po said annoyed and the doctor looked taken aback.

'He's still unresponsive. He is in a coma and we have no idea when or if he will wake up. We also don't know if he will have any feeling in the lower part of his body, as the bullet was very very near to his spine but we will have to see in weeks to come' he finished.

'Are we allowed to see him?' Mar's mom asked and the doctor nodded.

'1 at a time please, in room 101' he said and walked off.

'I'm gonna go in first' Mar's mom said and walked off to the room Mar was in.

I couldn't even face Mar. I felt like I was to blame.

I wanted nothing more than to see him, and I missed him so much on that day. He should've just gone home.

45 minutes later...

Mar's mom came out of the room and walked back to where we all were. She had tears on her cheeks, but she looked somewhat at ease after she saw him.

She signalled to me that it was my turn to see him and I didn't know if I could.

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