-Chapter IX-

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With the gun she had grasped in her hands and her wary head leading her through the hall of the building she figured Thomas must've gone into, Evelyn took her steps carefully and peaked around every corner expecting to see a guard but they had all evacuated the building once the alarms were set off from the explosions.

She glanced out the window and caught sight of what felt like never ending rains of fire being shot at a building that seemed too close. She had to get Thomas and go.

She thought the exhaustion she's been battling with was playing tricks on her once she found Ava laying on the ground with a blood spilling from her chest where a gunshot must've landed.

Her eyes laid open leading Evelyn to believe this wasn't Thomas. She remembered when Chuck died, through Thomas's screams he had closed his eyelids and done the same with Newt. He wouldn't leave someone like this no matter how much he hated them.

She didn't understand why he cared so much to do it at first other than thinking it was kind of creepy for someone dead to have their eyes open, but he said it's like they have to watch people be in pain over them so the least he could do was close their eyes. He didn't kill her. But that also gave her the terrible thought that he was in trouble.

The cautiousness in her stride was abandoned once the idea sank in and she was speed walking down the halls, up many flights of stairs and peering into a few room but no sign of him anywhere.

An idea struck a chord in her and she started running to a room she knew had a computer in it after spotting it when she was walking through the halls earlier that night only this time she didn't have a suit as protection. She actually had very little protection only now wearing a tank top and cargo pants but she couldn't be more grateful that the building had cleared for the most part.

"Yes." She said as a silent victory spotting the computer that was glitching like crazy but she had to make it work.

She remembered the words Teresa spoke to Thomas through the speakers and she figured out quite simply that he must be in some sort of medical or lab room so she had to find the maps.

"Damnit." She hit the desk the computer was sat on as the screen kept cutting in and out. "Come on."

It felt like hours of her slowly pressing buttons and typing in key words such as, 'medical' and 'lab', before it showed a list of eight rooms across the entirety of the building.

She found a pen and wrote all the names of the rooms down on her arm before heading back out into the hall and started to jog from her list of time with her weapon back in her hand.

She unfortunately couldn't get the computer to load the tracking system so she couldn't track Teresa and find out where they were. She had to do this the hard way.

The building consisted of many, many floors and she was prepared to search every single one of them to find Thomas, her stubborn nature coming into play once again.

She'd searched all of a half of the building with no sight of the boy, three of the eight rooms she had written down checked off with a huff finding nothing helpful.

Her legs ached more than she'd thought she'd ever felt as she climbed another ten flights of stairs, the sweat on her forehead dripping onto the ground beside her feet as she panted.

Evelyn leaned against a nearby wall in hopes to catch what little breath she had in her body, hands resting on her knees for a moment.

Her head whipped straight up, gun held up in defense as she heard metal sliding against the ground and an agitated scream she found very familiar.

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