-Chapter XI-

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Day one.

     Thomas woke up in a tent laying on a cot in clean clothes and a small pain in his chest from all the smoke he had inhaled. He sat up quickly, instant regret taking over as he placed his hand against his head where an ache attacked his temple.

     He looked around a couple moments, the light seeping from the curtain-door and the slits in the wood planks set up as makeshift walls led him to the realization it was day. He'd slept through the boat ride to the Safe Haven and had been out since he fainted.

     His eyes went wide before he scurried to the door and walked out quickly, the events from the previous night playing throughout his mind. He had to see Evelyn.

     He was temporarily blinded by the sun but eventually adjusted his eyes as he looked out on the sights of the beach and many tents already set up last night, with people starting on building more permanent homes.

He couldn't even comprehend the fact that they'd actually done it. They escaped the terrors of Wicked and all the ludicrous trials they put them through. Though it was a high price that he wished they didn't have to pay with lives coming to ends.

     He searched the lot of people in hopes to find a familiar face or one that could lead him to Evelyn. He was growing increasingly concerned and eager to know the state she was in, all the emotions he somehow stored in the back of his mind coming to the forefront and a tear slipped past his eyelid.

"Thomas." He turned around as Minho walked right up to him and wrapped one arm around his shoulder and the other around his back, Thomas taking a moment to reciprocate the hug but closing his eyes and letting the comfort of his friend soak in.

He pulled away a moment later, his frantic state coming back to him in an instant. "Wait, where is she? Is she okay?" His voice was quiet as to not let it break under the uncertainty.

Minhos face held zero indication of anything good and Thomas's head hung low. "We don't know."

"What? What do you mean?" He asked.

"She hasn't woken up yet."

"She's alive?" Minho nodded and Thomas ran a hand through his hair as a quiet sob of relief fell past his lips. "Really?" He again nodded, Thomas's hands falling to his knees as he hunched over, a couple cries exiting his mouth as a sickening lump came to his throat. He felt the need to throw up.

Minho placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it a couple times as he stood straight again, emotions completely out of control.

"Where is she?" He looked around and started walking away in an unsure direction but Minho stopped him by holding his hand up to his chest.

"Thomas, wait. She's not in good condition right now and if you see her it might get your hopes-"

"I don't give two shits about my hopes right now, I need to see her." Thomas's voice was hoarse from the weight of grief as he spoke, Minho reluctantly turning and shaking his head before leading Thomas to the medical tent.

His hands started shaking with every step he took. He tried to prepare himself for whatever state she might be in but he didn't exactly know how. Especially when he was a complete and utter mess at the moment.

Minho pulled the curtain back and let Thomas in, the boy searching the room that was basically empty, only a couple people unpacking a few boxes of supplies. All the beds were empty aside from one. In the far left corner of the tent, laid Evelyn.

He couldn't help himself as he ran over to her and kneeled down beside her cot grasping her cold hand in his before he laid a kiss there.

"She lost a lot of blood and her heart rate is low. Carmen, she uh, she was a nurse before all this happened so she's been taking care of her. She was able to get the bullet out and stitch her up." Minho stated placing his thumb in between his teeth —a habit he picked up when he was held captive by Wicked— as he looked down at the girl sadly, the sight alone enough to make him want to cry. "We don't have a lot of fancy supplies or anything so we just have to wait it out I guess."

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