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"DID YOU SEE her face?" Flynn laughs as he obeys the red traffic light and steps on the brakes. The car lumbers to a pause and I rip off the packet of one of the chips in my hands. "Fucking hilarious."

"Be grateful I'm still in one piece," I say while crunching and grinding chips with my mouth. "How long do we have until we get to the University?"

"About twenty-five minutes," he replies. "Thirty at most."

Good. That gives me time to calm the storm that is brewing in my head at the thought of seeing Drew. I lean backwards and rest my head against the headrest before closing my eyes. A second later, the second bag of chips is stolen from my lap. Immediately I tasted the crunchy goodness, I changed my mind about giving the second one to him so right now, I'm not happy.

"Give it."

"You got two of 'em. That tells me the second one is mine."

"Not really," I say opening my eyes but he's already tearing and chewing and staring at me with an innocent expression.

"Think of it as the price you paid for ruining my seats."

I stare at it with want even though I haven't finished mine and then I sigh because arguing with Flynn, like I've said before, is like arguing with a brick wall. "You're—fine," I sigh.

"I know," he grins. "Thank you."

It takes me a few seconds to realize why he's thanking me. "That's not what I meant."

"Sure you did."

"I wanted to say you're infuriating but then I changed my mind."

"You saw the light in my eyes and you thought, wow," he pauses dramatically. "This is the face of an angel."

I stifle a groan and roll my eyes. His phone buzzes with a notification and just like that, it doesn't stop buzzing and lighting up. Flynn, however, doesn't bother checking them. The red light switches to green and then he places the bag of chips next to his phone and drives.

"Someone keeps texting you," I say.

He shrugs. "Study group shenanigans."

I raise my brows to my hairline. "You're in a study group?"

He nods confidently. "I need to keep this brain functioning."



"You barely pay attention during our sessions. I'm surprised, is all."

He smiles at me. "I guess I'm full of surprises."

I curiously glance down at his phone to see what subject it is but he gives me a sideways glance. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to see what subject it is."

"Um—it's Physics."

"Even cooler. What topic are you guys on right now?" I ask and narrow my eyes at how suspicious he's acting.

"I can't remember."

The Flynn Effect Where stories live. Discover now