14. Crying For Her Fate

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What did I do to get such hatred from everyone?

Why everyone is hating me?

Am I that bad?

Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes. She was not aware of reasons of Aryan's behaviour towards her.

She sat in the bathroom clutching her t-shirt.

Why is he treating me like this?

What wrong I have done to him?

She was crying for her fate.

"Don't worry, Niya, everything will be alright," she consoled herself, but deep down she doubted her comfort.

Wiping away her tears, she got up. She was hungry, but she was not in a mood to have food after what happened in the dining hall.

As she was about to lay on the bed, her phone started ringing. She saw the ID, and her heart clutched in guilt.

It was him

With a shaky hand, she swiped up to receive the call. 

Taking a long breath, she said, "Hello."

"Hello, Niya, How are you?" He asked.

"I am fine. How are you?" She asked, still knowing his condition.

He chuckled sadly. "Seriously, Niya, don't tell me that you don't how I am."

She squeezed her eyes as a long tear escaped from them. 

"Just answer my one question, Niya. Why did you do that with me? Am I that bad that you hurt me like this?" He asked sadly. He didn't know how much his questions were drowning Niya in guilt. 

"You are not bad. I am bad," she said, cursing herself in her mind. "I am very sorry for hurting you. But please, from today on, stop dreaming about me. Think about your future. You will always be in my prayers," she said, cutting the call without letting him speak. 

Oh God, what's written in my fate?

Why do I see only pain in my life?

Why does everyone hate me?

Thinking about today's event, she fell into a deep slumber.


Next morning she woke up at 8:00 a.m. as she had been very tired yesterday. 

She saw the timing.

Oh God, I'm overslept. Now he will not leave me. 

She hurriedly got up and ran to the bathroom. 

After doing her morning chores, she ran downstairs, but her steps stopped looking at Aryan, who was already present at the dining table.

He was sitting there and waiting for her. But his body language was telling her that a volcano was building inside him and he was waiting to humiliate her. 

She gulped in fear.

But she thought to pass through the dining hall silently, but a voice made her stop.

"Why are you late?" His voice was as cold as ice. 

"I am so-sorry. I-I woke up late," her voice trembled a little in fear.

"I want my breakfast within five minutes. I don't want you to delay my breakfast," he ordered.

"Five minutes? How will I be able to make breakfast in five minutes?" She asked in a timid voice.

"That's not my problem. You woke up late, and now this is your problem."

"Mr. Obroi, yesterday you asked me to do all the chores, so I was tired," she tried to make him understand.

 "I think you forgot the rules, Miss. Niya," He said, gritting his teeth in anger. "This is not your house to wake up or do whatever you want to do. You are just a maid here."

"I know, Mr.Obroi. You don't need to rub that same thing on my face again and again."

"Go now and prepare my breakfast within five minutes!" He ordered and went back to a dining table.

Niya sighed and went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for him.

He is really monster. How can someone be a stone-hearted?

She immediately made a sandwich and coffee for him and went to give him his breakfast but he was not there. She went out side to check on his car. She sighed looking at car not there.

"Duffer" she muttered under her breath and went back to do her work. 


After doing some cooking, she was cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang. 

"It might be that monster," she thought. 

She wiped her hands on the towel and went to open the door. 

As she opened the door, she was shocked.

It was him.

He was the person with whom she thought she would spend the rest of her life. 

He was the person who was ready to marry her and live a life with her.

"Zain," her voice came out in a whisper.

"Zain, what are you doing here?" She asked in a tense tone.

"Will you not invite me inside your new home?" He asked in a mocking tone. There was also a sadness in his voice.

"Zain, what are you doing here?" She repeated her question.

"I am your guest, Niya. Instead of calling me inside, you are keeping your guest outside and questioning him?" He asked, crossed Niya, and settled himself on the sofa.

Niya was looking at his actions, surprisingly. 

"Come, Niya, sit here." He tapped the sofa beside him.

Looking at her not moving, he got up, held her hand, and made her sit beside him.

 "Zain, wha-" she was cut off by Zain.

"Shh, first sit."

"Tell me now, why are you married to him?" He asked directly without beating around the bush because, somewhere in his heart, he knew she was not the one who could play with others' feelings. Though he was angry at her, his heart was not ready to accept the fact that she could intentionally break his heart.

"Zain, please go from here," she said in a pleading tone, controlling her tears. 

"Not until you tell me the truth. I know you very well, Niya. You are not the person who can hurt someone intentionally"

"Zain, please" she didn't want him to involve in her problems.

"What please, Niya? Do you know how we felt when we got the news of your marriage? Do you even know how my parents felt? Do you have any idea, Niya? I even tried to contact Neil but he is not picking up my call!" At last, his voice rose.

The tears she was controlling finally slipped from her eyes. 

Looking at her tears, Zain ran his hand through his hair and sighed deeply.

He regretted raising his voice.

He held her hand in his. "See, Niya, I am sorry," he apologised. "But please tell me the reason why you did like this. Don't I have that right to know?" He asked in a pleading tone.

"Zain, I will tell you later. Now please go from here."

"But Ni-" 

"What's happening here?!" a voice boomed.


Hey guys, I hope you all are fine.

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May God bless you.


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