16. "She is no more"

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His heart was thumping faster thinking about what had happened to her.

He was pacing from right to left, looking at her.

He once again went to her and tried to wake her up. "Hey, Niya, wake up," he said, tapping lightly on her cheeks, but sighed in defeat not seeing any movement from her.

"Where did this doctor go?" He again dialled the doctor's number.

"Hello, Mr.Obroi, I am just outside of your house," the doctor said.

"What are you doing outside? Come fast!" He barked.

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

The doctor came running because he knew Aryan's anger and didn't want to become a victim of it.

After checking up Niya, doctor gave her one injection. He wrote some medicines and gave it to Aryan.

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"Her blood pressure has become low. That's the reason she fell unconscious." The doctor replied.

"I gave her an injection. She will wake up sometime later. Give her something to eat after she wakes up." the doctor instructed him.

Aryan nodded his head.

After the doctor left, he sat on the chair and looked at Niya. His eyes softened looking at her.

She was looking peaceful in her sleep.

Some strands of her hair were falling on her face because of the air from a fan.

He was just looking at her intensely.

She is looking very innocent but why does she have a cunning mind? Or am I wrong about her?

Many questions started occurring in his mind as he looked at her peaceful face.

But how can I forget that they did?

How can I forget how they snatched my only happiness?

Thinking all this, his hands turned into fists.

"Aryan, don't fall for her innocent face!" His mind warned him. But his heart was not ready to listen to his mind. He was confused between his mind and his heart.

He sighed and left the room to bring something to eat for Niya, as the doctor had advised him to give her something to eat after she wakep.

She stirred in her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them to get a clear vision.

"How come I am here still sleeping?" She mumbled to herself, looking around her room. She last remembered being in the kitchen, having gone to drink some water.

Oh God! Why my am I feeling lightheaded?

She started massaging her temple with her fingertips.

May be because I didn't have food?

She got up from the bed to go and wash her face.

She stopped when she saw Aryan standing on the door taking a plate filled with the food she made.

"Have this food first," he said sounding more like an order.

She ignored him and turned to the other side. But he came and stood in front of her.

"I said first have this food and then take some rest," he said, forwarding the plate to her.

"I don't want. You can take it back " she said coldly. "And by the way, my boss has given me lots of work, so as a maid, I need to complete it," she said in a taunting tone.

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