17. Humiliations in the Party

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Niya's POV

I dialled Neil's number. I am calling him after so many days. He and Jas called many times after my wedding with Aryan, but I didn't receive their call because I knew they would shout at me for my decision. After that, they also stopped calling me.

"Hello, Niya, how are you?" He received the call after one ring, as if he was only waiting for my call.

Oh God! I feel like I am hearing his voice after so many years.


"Niya, what happened? Did Aryan do something to you? I will not leave that monster," he said, angrily.

"Bro, nothing happened. It just..... I am missing you all," I said.

"Then come home, Niya," he said, sounding more like a plea.

I also don't want to live here, but I can't do anything. Aryan can do anything with them.

He is a monster.

"Do you know how Zain felt when he learned about your and Aryan's marriage?" He said. Sadness was evident in his voice. "You broke my friend's heart, Niya."

"Bro, I didn't have any options that time," I said.


I cut him off saying, "Leave that, bro. And tell me how are Jas and Zara?"

"They are fine,"


"Niya, there is a party of my business partner, Mr. Rodriguez. Even his daughter Samantha was asking me about you, so will you come?" He asked excitedly. "There, I will be able to meet you."

Going there means, I first need to ask for permission from Aryan. So it's better not go.

I also want to meet my family, but -

"Hello, Niya, are you there?"

"Bro, I won't be able to come," I denied.

"Niya, I am sure even Aryan will come. You can come with him."

Are you serious, bro? You are asking me to come with that monster?

"No, bro, I won't come. I have some work,"

"Ok then bye. Take care," he said and cut the call.

I sighed, keeping my phone on the table.

It felt so good after talking to him.

There is no one here with whom I can talk. This house is like a jail for me with no freedom.

I was reading one book when I heard Aryan shouting.

"Niya! Niya!" He started shouting from downstairs.

What happened to him now?

I went downstairs.

He was standing there, putting his hands in the pockets.

"Today we are going to a business party, so be ready at 7:00 o'clock," he ordered.

"I am not going anywhere," I refused.

"I am not asking you! Think that this is an order from your boss," he said and left from there.

I gulped the tears because it's of no use shedding tears in front of this man.


I wore a simple red knee length dress, did a light makeup, and went downstairs.

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