A line of Salt

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Call me paranoid; I couldn't help it. After all the strange occurrences in our home---ones which, upon investigation, appeared to have no rational explanation--I started to go a little off the deep end. I first got the idea from that hokey tv show---'Paranormal', I think it's called. The theory was that if you placed an unbroken line of salt in front of a door or window, humans could easily step over it but nothing inhuman would dare risk touching it. So I went and sprinkled a thick line of Morton's Best in front of each window, the front and back doors. By the time I was finished, my husband was home.

"Honey? Come open up; I think my key is stuck in the lock!"

The door rattled and I paused halfway down the stairs. Why didn't he just open it and come in like usual?

"Karen, honey, open up! This isn't funny anymore!"

The rattling became banging. I was starting to get scared.

"Jason, that door is unlocked--"


I have no idea what compelled me to peek through the blinds just then, but I'm glad I did. I'm so sorry, honey. But I saw your eyes turn black. Whatever you are now, you're not my husband anymore and I'm not letting you inside.

Dont Fear....Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ