The Ocean takes No Prisoners

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The sun had died and the night sky began to awaken for its 12 hour reign. The air burned our eyes with its saltiness. We were still out at sea for days after our ship capsized, and the lifeboat had begun to become uncomfortable. We didn't know what caused the wreck exactly, but it seemed to be due to a mechanical failure in the starboard hull, although no one was really sure.

My crewmen started to get aggitated and restless, going a few nights without sleep, sometimes, due to the stress. We were hopeful for some type of rescue until we began to figure that we would die out here. We did see a ship a few miles away, and someone fired the flare gun. The ship eventually got the signal and began to make its way to us. After around 30 minutes, it was close enough to see the details of the ship. It was a large fishing boat carrying around 20-40 men, based on its size. When they got about 200 feet away, the ship stopped. Confused, we kept watching carefully... We started to notice that it had not only stopped, but it was sinking.

Our group started freaking out, screaming even. I just sat there, dazed by what I saw. Something had torn a hole in the hull and jumped inside. Once the ship was almost submerged, it detonated. The water absorbed a lot of the blast, but we could feel the heat coming off of the now sinking inferno that was our only chance of survival. I looked down into the water, wondering if we would ever escape this nautical nightmare. Then our lifeboat began to sink.

I could feel it staring at me as the boat drowned.

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