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"Mr. Lombardi!"

"Mr. Lombardi! Over here!"

"Mr. Lombardi!"

"Mr. Lombardi."

"Mr. Lombar-," the sounds of the crowd and cameras fade out behind me as I enter the restaurant.

The atmosphere shifts as soon I step through the door. I love the effect I have on people.

I walk towards the back with long, powerful strides. One of my men opens the door to the private room and my sons stand up upon my entry. I nod my head for them to sit as I approach the head of the table.

I'm a family man. Blood before anything else. By "blood" I mean our own of course. I suppose spilling the blood of others is also nice.

I raised my children to respect, honor and value our family and our roles. We love one another very much and that's part of why our family is the most powerful in the world.

"I've called you here to discuss the situation with the Russians, more specifically, Alexei and Dmitri Ivanov." My sons' faces scowl at the mention of the names. "The location of their residence in the states has been confirmed and a raid will be planned."

"When do you suggest father?" My second eldest, Luca, asks. "If you need the red team, they're in the field until the end of next month."

"I'll send in my grays in the meantime, Luca. You can call them in." Domenico adds. I nod in thanks to him.

"What exactly is the goal here?" Damien questions.

"To get Alexei. He recently returned from Russia with new information. I need him and I need a bug planted into their system. Roman that's where you come in. Dmitri is second. Don't make him a priority but get him if you can. He's good leverage." Alessandro says.

I'm very proud of my eldest. He's a great leader and can command any room. He's smart and will do anything for this family and our mafia.

Alessandro is also a bit dull you could say, I haven't heard him really laugh or seen him smile in a while.

He's recently started to take on more responsibilities in the business but I still want him to enjoy his youth. He's only twenty after all.

I love my family. I always have and always will. In the mafia world, love is seen as a weakness, a liability. But really it's our greatest strength. I wouldn't be as successful as I am without them behind me. I'd lose myself in the violence and cruelty of the crime world.

My family isn't what it used to be. My wife and I feel as if our kids prioritize work more than us. They're rarely home and I don't remember the last time we had a normal family dinner that wasn't forced.

I miss the days where we'd all pile on the couch and watch a movie together.

I miss the evenings when I'd hear the sound of feet racing each other to the dinner table as soon as they smelled food.

The simple things.
The things that made us feel like a family and our home feel like a home.
The things that made us feel normal and not just mafia.

Alessandro starts,
"Here's the plan..."

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