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I can't believe my Alina, my маленький ангел, is finally home. It's been an amazing two months with her here. Aнгел was with those horrible Lombardis for far too long. I'm sure she missed us but those evil people twisted her sweet, innocent mind to believe what they wanted her to.
Because of those bastards, Dmitri and I have to undo all the damage they've done to her so she can finally be happy here.

The process of fixing her is long and honestly quite painful. I wish my sweet ангел didn't have to go through it, but it's for the best.

We locked her away from the outside world with no way to tell whether it's day or night. All clocks have been removed from her sight as well. Her meals also stay the same so she can't differentiate between breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My ангел knows better than to question it.

The daily shot she receives does a few things. The drug induces hallucinations as well as weakening  her mind, which is where we come in. Her thoughts become all over the place and it becomes difficult to tell what's real and what's not. Whatever we tell her in that state, she takes on as fact without a hint of rejection. She can't question anything if it's all she knows after all. The injection also puts her to sleep within a few minutes.
Aнгел hates getting her shot and as much as it pains me to see her cry, it has to be done and she must accept all that we give and tell her.

The only reality there is the one we create for her. All she knows is her quarters and the stories we tell and the photos we show. I understand that they are all fake, but she doesn't have to know that. What happened in the states wasn't an enjoyable experience for her I'll admit, but it was necessary for her to know the physical power we have over her. Now she'll never act up again and isn't that just the most perfect thing? She hasn't been hit in a long time and one slap to the face when she first got here shaped her right up.

I give Anastasia books to school her with for when she's awake. There's no maps or any information about the outside world in any of the curriculum. She's taught the family history and values, math, and reading and writing which is of course only Russian. Her world is Russia and us, why must she know about other places?
My sister is also educated in proper etiquette, art, music, and other subjects it's important for a girl to know. Once she's ready, I'll allow a dance instructor to teach her ballet. It will keep her in shape and it is beautiful and delicate, just like my ангел. Dmitri wants her to start to learn traditional Russian cooking soon, but I don't want ангел in the kitchen. It's too dangerous for a delicate, fragile thing like her.

I know my ангел is a little genius, which is a wonderful thing, just not for her. She's begun to forget a lot of her previous teachings so we only reteach what we want her to know. I also find it very amusing and somewhat cute when she's confused and needs help.
The most important lesson that it's vital to understand with her heart and soul is that she must depend on me and Dmitri for everything, so she can never leave us.
She'll never leave the country again if I have anything to say about it. She'll stay safe and protected behind the walls of the estate where I can always see her. Aнгел will be kept hidden from society until she is of age to debut, if we even allow her to debut that is.

We have cameras set up around her room as well as microphones to pick up on any sound to ensure Anastasia isn't filling her mind with useless junk. You'd think that this would be hidden from Anastasia, but she is well aware of them. I'd rather prevent her from doing anything harmful to my ангел's wellbeing in the first place rather than catch her in the act. Stop it at its source.

Alina is making beautiful progress. Her pure innocence is something that is so unique to me and I intend to always keep her that way. She recites her lessons to me and my brother, she tells us about her dreams, shows us her most recent artwork. When we want her to sing for us, she becomes shy for some reason. She shouldn't be shy around us and if I want to hear her sing, I'll get her to sing. It's a real shame I'll never allow anyone but us to hear her angelic voice.

My favorite part about my маленький ангел would be the fact that she loves me. She hasn't said it yet, but I know she does. No other person in my almost 27 years of life has ever treated me like she does. The way her presence affects me is indescribable. I will never let her go, ever. She is mine and mine alone.
I don't care if this is a sick obsession, but this is my way of showing my love in return to her.

My father is barely involved in her life. He's never come to visit her and the only thing she knows about him is that he's a very busy man and loves her a lot. He can do anything he fucking wants to but decides to ignore his daughter who wants her father. I suppose we have Antonio Lombardi to thank for those unnecessary tears she sheds when he never comes. I hope my father never comes and sees her, all her affection should be spent on her brothers, not that bastard.
I can tell he's been on edge recently. Dmitri and I have always been his dogs, but not anymore. We're growing tired of his orders and it's high time for him to step down from power before I take it by force.


Writing this update was so hard.

Like I was cringing as I wrote it.

The purpose was to literally turn Alexei from a red flag into a whole fucking red curtain and make him seem as creepy as possible.

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