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You know that feeling when you just know something?

You don't know what, but you know that this isn't it, and there's more to the story.

That's the feeling that's been in my gut since my brother found our sister on the side of that road. It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense actually.

The most realistic idea we have of her origin is the sick theory of my baby sister being a fucking experiment to those Russian bastards— but I don't think that's it. There would be evidence if that were the case.

Alina has this, this thing to her. I can't explain it, but when you first see her, you feel something.

I love my family, but we're not exactly the most, I don't know, emotional type? It's not like we're cold people who have zero emotions, but we don't really do what we've done with Alina.

In our business, unfortunately many children are left without parents. It's not their fault who their parents are. If we come across one of those kids, we won't kill them, we'll just take them to an orphanage. We sponsor a few to ensure good treatment, it also looks really good to the public which is a plus.

But Alina, our beautiful princess, we couldn't give her up. The second my brother found her on the side of that road, we all felt a change in us. She has this energy that surrounds her. One of happiness, peace, love and innocence. In a world like ours, it's rare to find something like that. How could someone possibly hurt her?

Somehow, through all her pain and suffering, she survived. Not just physically, but her spirit survived. She shines like the sun everyday and has more love and kindness in her pinky than most people have in their whole body.

The idea has been shut down, but I don't think it's entirely off the table.

I believe, and I hate to say it, Alina is an Ivanov.

Nikolai lost his wife around the time Allie was born. Maybe she died in childbirth?

If she is an Ivanov, what was she doing in America?

Nikolai didn't want to deal with her, so he passed responsibility onto his sons.

Why would her own brothers harm their baby sister?

The same reason we took her in, she made them feel. The Ivanovs view emotion and connection as a weakness. And weaknesses must be destroyed.

Why didn't they kill her?

They couldn't. They didn't know why, but they just couldn't. The brothers couldn't handle what she did to them, so they took out that anger on the source but just couldn't finish the job.

Plus, from wounds and her descriptions on what her life was like, they never used a weapon, only their bodies. That's still awful, but as someone that has a pretty good experience I'm torture, that's mercy.
The only time a weapon was possibly used she described as something similar to being tased.

Also, why would we she have all her shots and receive an education if they simply didn't care? They certainly tried not to, but just could help but care a little.

And going back to the experiment theory, it's pretty impossible. They program is stationed in Russia and she would be under strict observation if she was an experiment, not in a basement in the middle of nowhere Maine.

I think we're ignoring the truth because we don't want to believe it. I think that the only person that can confirm my suspicions, is the Messenger himself. Roman isn't the only tech genius in this house; I can hack and do all that shit too, I just prefer getting my hands dirty and all. It's that simple really.

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