A Price to Pay for Power

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It was hard for Colt not to run away from Ezekiel. He wanted to scream for anyone in the streets to shoot the beast and rid them all of the monstrosity. If only everyone knew what he was- then they would have helped him in a heartbeat.

"That...thing you wear. Is it real?"

"It's call skin, my friend. And yes, very real."

Colt began to fumble with his vest buttons, clearing his dry throat as he nervously looked around. Nobody seemed to even notice anything was wrong, and tipped their hats in greeting. God, and to think Colt had a crush on Ezekiel. He wasn't even human.

"I can imagine you...skinned the skin?"

Ezekiel found the comment so amusing, he had to take the cigarette out of his mouth before responding. "Somewhat. It's a creation of mine. Took me many years to make." He paused, grabbing the other's one shoulder before he could walk away from him.

"Come here for a moment."

Colt was brought a little too close to the man, which left his cheeks burning hot despite the mistrust he held towards him. God, he truly was a mess. Before he could push himself away, a stray horse ended up bounding down the street. It had rounded a corner so quickly, nobody expected it. A few folks ended up jumping out of the way while some managed to calm the crazed beast down. What caught Colt by surprise was that he was previously in a spot where the horse had run through. If he had stayed, he would have been trampled around like a rag doll.


"Don't. You're supposed to hate me, if you recall." Ezekiel patted the man's shoulder, continuing down the path before them while his companion was left fuming.

He eventually caught up with him, trying to keep his voice down as he stared daggers at the other. "That depends. You still haven't told me about the Crowley's and the Sheriff. Did you or did you not do something to them?"

"I scared the husband to death and took his soul. Cursed the Sheriff and took his also. One has to survive out here, Mr. Townsend. Just like you and everyone in this cursed place." Ezekiel wore the most carefree expression while speaking about killing the people he knew, Colt couldn't help but slap the hell out of that monstrous smile.

He didn't care who had seen them, as he was storming away a second later directly out towards the back of the town. No one usually resided there except after hours, and thankfully for Colt the place was pretty empty now. He ran out towards a small field of dried plants; aware that he was being trailed closely behind.

As he was prepared to leap over a wooden fence, Ezekiel immediately took a hold of the frail wrist before him and yanked a little too hard. Colt yelped as he hit the ground, scratching his knee on a few sharp rocks he landed directly on top of.

Ezekiel muttered as helped his partner up, looking him over as if to make sure he was okay. Colt didn't care about the pain, after all he lived with it daily. What he did care about at the moment was what the creature was going to do next in his town. He wouldn't tell him about his business, but if it involved his father he felt he had a right to know something at least.

"If you can't tell my why you're here, then please tell me what I can do to make things right. Did my father do something wrong? Is that why you're trying to scare us all? I own this place too so if he's in trouble for something I gotta pay also."

"No," Ezekiel replied a little quickly, shaking his head as his face became serious. "I have orders and a time limit. You can't interfere and that is final."

"Someone ordered you here, then. I demand to speak to them."

"You'll do no such thing," The creature scoffed, almost rolling his eyes at the pure stubbornness and stupidity of his companion. "You're just like my cousin, Ajei. He was always a hot head. That mouth sure got him into trouble."

There was a flicker of remorse in those dead eyes of Ezekiel that the other suddenly caught wind off. It was the first time he had ever seen such emotion in that empty gaze, and for a while he stayed silent just to study the look a little more. In an instant, that flicker of humanity was gone and was replaced by the cold stare he was familiar with.

Colt looked down, wondering if it was okay to pry a little bit. He chewed on the inside of his bruised lip, asking somewhat hesitantly, "Was he a human?"

Ezekiel gave a silent nod, reliving some memories he dared not speak out loud. Colt was sure he was going to move on to another topic, but he was surprised when the conversation continued.

"We both were. Young n stupid." He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment as if to regain some control. "There's always a price to pay for power, Colt. Some do the vilest things just to get a hold of it. Once you do, there's no turnin' back."

Colt wondered what he had meant by that, but was cut off when a cold gloved hand wrapped around his own. He looked down slowly, staring at their intertwined fingers as if he was dreaming.

"You remind me of him. I'll speak to those who wish ill will upon this town, but don't expect anythin' to go your way. I don't mind causing chaos here or anywhere, just as long as you stay out of it."

The young man was disturbed someone hated his father so much- and for what reason? What had he done wrong? He just didn't understand...

"Ezekiel? Can I ask you something?"


He wanted to ask who the person was who wanted Graveflat to suffer, but he figured he wouldn't get a proper response. Instead, he decided to ask another question he was curious about.

"Did you love your cousin?"

"...I did."

"And what happened to him?"

Ezekiel's hand gradually slipped away from Colt, as if he had suddenly registered the man wasn't Ajei. He then turned to him, and in that intense gaze there was no flicker of sadness, no guilt, no love. Just pure hunger. A hunger for a power that made him commit the gravest sins known to mankind. Sins that resulted in him losing his own humanity.

"I killed him."

Colt was taken aback, and his lips remained shut as the other merely walked away.

He didn't want to follow, and instead watched as Ezekiel faded into the wilderness.

He Goes On All Fours - A Western Monster RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now