Vision of Death

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A man in animal hide sat beside a naked, large being. The two were silent, but the creature could feel the eyes of his companion on him.

"What is on your mind?"

Ezekiel stayed staring out at the open, nothing but a sea of desert before them. He shifted a little before turning the opposite way to avoid looking at the other.

"I was just thinkin'."

"About what?"

"...About you. Colt. Graveflat. Everythin'."

The human didn't respond quickly, and instead seemed to digest it all with a knowing look on his face.

"Could it be you no longer want to go down this path you chose?"

"I don't know. Something just isn't right...but that don't mean I won't do what has to be done. Regardless of the outcome."

Ezekiel wasn't expecting the other to latch on to his hand. The monster glanced at the bloody fingers gripping on to his claws before quickly avoiding the contact all together.

"I have to wake up now, Ajei."

"Ayóó ánííníshní." The man named Ajei whispered, causing Ezekiel to turn. He felt a strange sensation start to build in his eyes as he stared at the corpse that sat beside him. The side of its face was half eaten, as well as parts of its chest and legs, but there was no denying the warmth he could see in those familiar, sad, brown eyes.


Ezekiel's head propped up as a singe tear rolled down his eye. He looked around, unaware of where he was until he focused on a familiar man.

It was Colt, still fast asleep as the warmth enveloped them both in his room. It appeared Ezekiel had dozed off in a chair he had pulled up on the side of the bed. He remembered the two had talked after his encounter with Jesús, and Colt had many questions about him and his gang. Ezekiel had to pretend he didn't know them. He merely said they were just passing by and would leave in a couple of days.

The creature rubbed his eyes, looking down at his hands and realizing he was still in his human skin. He hated sleeping with it on, but suppose it was a good thing he had forgotten to take it off. Before he knew it, Jessica was slowly tiptoeing into the man's room with a tray of what must have been tea. When her and Ezekiel made eye contact, there was an awkward moment as she struggled to decide whether to stay or leave. The being hadn't even noticed it was broad daylight outside.

"I only came to see how the poor boy was doin'." He retorted defiantly, as if he was being accused despite the woman not saying a word. Jessica rose her eyebrows, hiding a smile as she left the tray on top of a dresser. She bowed slightly and immediately waddled out of the room, leaving the other standing in silence. Ezekiel knew the old lady must've thought something else and began to nudge Colt's leg for him to wake up.

The young man grumbled at first, yanking the blankets over his face before Ezekiel tossed them completely off.

"There's some tea for you."

Colt's eye snapped open as he looked around in bewildered confusion. His brows pushed together as he looked the man over from head to toe, as if unsure if he was dreaming or not.

"What do you want," he grumbled before getting comfortable once more. Ezekiel didn't respond until he picked up the tray to to set it up for his friend, sniffing the pleasant aroma that emanated from it. He made a mental note to add whatever herb the woman had used in his cigarettes and on his skin.

"Just keepin' you company. You looked awful yesterday."

Colt's eyes slowly fluttered open as he managed to sit himself up, eyeing his unexpected guest once he realized he wasn't dreaming. He carefully took the tea he was offered, and it was only then that Ezekiel noticed the man's hair stuck to his damp forehead. His whole shirt was also wet with an excessive amount of sweat.

"How did you sleep?" Ezekiel muttered before turning away to open a window, pretending not to notice how sick the other looked.

"I'm fine," Was all Colt could say as he feebly tried to suppress a cough. Silence arose between the two as Ezekiel examined all the busy humans running around. There was a little bit of guilt beginning to eat away at him, but he tried not to dwell on the feeling too much.

"Though, I did have a strange dream."

Ezekiel turned his head back, resting his cold gaze on the other as he waited for him to continue.

Colt rubbed his arms as a sudden chill travelled through his body. He took a large gulp of his beverage before setting it to the side.

"I was in the cemetery. The one in town....except there was only one grave. One singular grave, and I was standing before it." Colt felt a feeling of apprehension take a stern hold of him, but he didn't show it. Instead, he tried to avoid the intense stare of his friend who had suddenly become rigid.

"There was a black bird there, sitting on top of it and staring at me." The man let out a short chuckle as he looked out the window with an almost sad gaze. Ezekiel caught note of it, and a sharp pain filled his empty chest as he abruptly made his way over.

He didn't think twice before grabbing Colt's frail hand, squeezing it as if to keep the other from talking any further.

"I'm a dying man, Ezekiel. I know, you know, even my father knows. Somehow I feel like something else is going to happen here in Graveflat. Something I can't stop despite wishing I could."

"Don't talk like that, darlin'." The creature whispered, causing Colt to turn a little red.

"You only treat me nicely because I remind you of your cousin. Said so yourself." He tried to make a joke out of the serious situation, but Ezekiel didn't think it was very funny. He brought his partners pale hand up to his lips, and Colt could feel the thin mustache tickling his fingers.

"I find you charmin', Mr. Townsend." Ezekiel's dark eyes lifted up slowly towards Colt's own stiff face. The two made such intense eye contact, the human started to feel himself leaning towards the other before realizing just what the hell he was doing and with whom.

"Th-thank you," Colt immediately slipped his hand away, rubbing the ticklish sensation on his palm with his fingers. His heart picked up speed, and he hoped the other wouldn't notice how nervous he had become.

Ezekiel did, but chose not to continue flustering his friend. Besides, there was something going on in town that radiated negative energy. He could only feel it growing stronger as each second passed, and in turn decided it was time to depart.

"I'll see you soon." Ezekiel gave the other a quick farewell before escaping out a back window.

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