The Wicked Ride

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The whole town grew tense as the strange riders trotted through their streets, armed and visibly aware they weren't exactly welcome. The residents expected the Sheriff to do something, but he couldn't. Ezekiel was aware of who they all were and therefore couldn't just kick them out. Not only that, but they weren't doing anything except intimidating everyone.

Mr. Horley eventually caught wind of the strangers who had just arrived and eyed them with suspicion. He glared at Ezekiel before making his way over with that enraged grin of his.


"Mr. Townsend?"

"Why aren't you doing your job and kicking these folk out?"

Ezekiel clenched his fist a little before eyeing the gang of newcomers as they entered the local bar. One of them stayed behind, a Mexican with dark hair and a visible scar on the side of his face. He tipped his hat to Ezekiel, who narrowed his eyes in mild annoyance.

"They aren't breakin' the law, Mr. Townsend. But I'll speak to them about the guns they got. "

Mr. Horley was fuming as the other walked away without waiting for a response. Ezekiel was equally as upset. Jesús being there would only further complicate his work and make it hard for him to do his job. He liked working alone, and he wasn't going to let some hotheaded gunslinger out for revenge screw up the plans he had made.

Ezekiel casually plucked his revolver from his holster, making sure it was loaded before tucking it back in place. He refocused his attention on the leader of the gang that had arrived, patiently waiting for him outside the swinging door of Graveflat's bar.

"Hola," the man casually greeted Ezekiel, as if he wasn't aware of who he was. The creature, on the other hand, didn't have time to play dumb games and latched on to the other's wrist as he dragged him behind the building.

"What are you doing here." It was more of a demand than a question, but it didn't seem to deter Jesús, who merely grinned as he smoothed his upper mustache.

"Quería visitar este lugar. Antes que se pudre."

"Yeah? Well now you're runnin' a damn risk of getting yourself killed. Everyone can sense you're up to no good and will expect me to deal with it if you step out of line, boy."

Jesús didn't seem at all phased by the tension he was bringing, but he didn't want to ruin everything just yet. He nodded, his mouth a firm line as he plucked the two guns from his holster. A bit mockingly, he tucked them underneath his coat.

"No trouble, amigo."

"Good. Now you can stay as long as you keep your boys in check. There's a bit of misery to cause before you can go in for the kill."

"And the niño?" Jésus suddenly asked, eyeing Ezekiel as he noticed the expression shift on the monster's face.


"The Horley's boy."

"You mean Colt. He's back in his room. Wasn't feelin' well."

Jesús let out a small snort, seemingly holding in a laugh as he crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn't dumb and he knew the interests of the other, but he also didn't want it to get in the way of their work.

"Does this Colt know who you are and why he's sick?"

Ezekiel immediately met the other's stare, seemingly threatening him without even saying a word. Jesús ended up looking away, fixing his coat as he tipped his hat to excuse himself.

"Before I forget. A mujer - Emma. She gives you her greetings."

The monster perked to attention and his expression changed from surprise to regret. He shook his head, sighing a little as he grudgingly asked, "How'd you meet her."

"Some of the boys went to a town to have some fun. She's no longer working but her friends are. Mujer has been looking for you for quite some time."

Ezekiel didn't want to hear anymore, and his thoughts immediately drifted back to Colt.

"You didn't tell her where I was, correct?"

Jesús only smirked as he resumed his walk down front towards the entrance of the saloon. Now alone, Ezekiel grumbled to himself as he was left with his thoughts.

He hoped Colt wouldn't have to meet his old flame, in fact, he hoped the two never crossed paths. It would save him from feeling uncomfortable.

Emma was a hot headed woman with raven dark hair and striking blue eyes. A real looker. Not only that, but she kept Ezekiel's true identity a secret when she uncovered who he really was. Not a lot of people could do that, so her and Jesús were always the "important" humans in his life. Well, Colt included now. He would do anything for Colt at that point.

"Sheriff?" A voice of a frail woman caught Ezekiel's attention as he focused on a somewhat haggard looking figure. She had seemingly stumbled upon him while looking for help, and eagerly walked towards him.

"How can I help you, ma'am?"

"My poor dog is missing! Mister Biscuit hasn't come home all day and I fear the worse!"

Ezekiel examined the woman from head to toe, studying her closely as he slowly realized he had found some lunch for the night.

"Mister Biscuit? Why, I'm sure I heard a dog barkin' just outside of town earlier. Follow me. We can both look for him together."

He Goes On All Fours - A Western Monster RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now