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Murphy's Law (4,1)

Tyra made it back to the Trikru village with daylight to spare. After her encounter with Bellamy, they both had silently agreed to go their own ways, Bellamy to his people and Tyra to hers.

As she had expected, Anya hadn't even batted an eye at her absence. Not noticing her return, or the fact that she had been gone for almost a day.

If Tyra had been lying dead in a ditch somewhere, Anya could not have cared less. She was one of the few who did not care to be in Lexa's good favour.

Who had been looking for Tyra, was Quinctus, who had returned with news from Lexa that same morning.

The letter from her was brief, like it always was with Lexa. Explaining about her excellent work in scouting and speculating, and asking Tyra specifically if she wished to return to Polis and let Lexa send out someone else now that the initial report could not be altered.

Beforehand, Tyra wouldn't have hesitated to say yes and rush back to Polis' walls, right back by Lexa's side. But seeing how much she had learnt about the sky people in one single conversation with their leader, Tyra didn't necessarily want to leave the matter unattended just yet.

Especially if she had already gained a bit of the leader's trust by helping him give one of his people mercy.

So, Tyra kindly rejected Lexa's offer in her next letter, giving her the intel she had learnt in the past day. How Bellamy seemed to be the leader, though she had seen some members follow the blonde unnamed woman and her friend with the longer hair.

Even informed her about their weapons, that appeared to be all handmade from the metal of their large mysterious contraption, specifically crafted into sharp and harmful objects.

But most of all, in her report, Tyra heavily emphasized the fact that they were fish out of water on Trikru land. They had no clue what they were doing, and they were all either their age or younger, just children learning to navigate an unknown world that was different from the sky.


Tyra handed the letter to Quinctus as soon as dawn broke the next day, the young boy not hesitating to agree to give Lexa her report.

When she met with Lexa once more, Tyra would have to speak with her about making Quinctus an official messenger. For his young age, he was quite experienced and terribly quick. The perfect traits for a messenger.

Once Tyra saw Quinctus cross the river in direction to Polis, Tyra rushed to Anya's home to inform her of the new plans surrounding Trikru, dictated by Heda herself.

Sort of.

"I see you sent Quinctus off again, alone. Does that mean you will be staying longer than intended, Tyra?" She let her sword drop on the table, similarly to how her first encounter with Anya had gone.

The only difference, Anya was sat on her seat with a much more threatening look, annoyance almost seeping out of her. She did not enjoy Tyra's presence, that was sure.

"Heda has sent new orders. I'll be staying until the sky people's threat has been appeased," Anya opened her mouth, most likely to dictate how she'd be more needed in Polis than at Trikru. But Tyra simply waved her off with her cold glare.

"You don't need to hinder yourself with finding accommodations and provisions for me. I'll be in my family's old home and seek food for myself," Anya stood, ready to contradict Tyra.

After all, she couldn't keep an eye on her and what she informed Lexa if she was not in one of her loyal warrior's sight at all times.

"I will also be inspecting your patrols randomly. Just to make sure they are up to standards with Heda's orders." Anya's left eye began twitching.

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