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Day Trip (8,1)

Tyra attempted with both sleeping and keeping track of time. But she failed the second one, she did get to close her eyes for at least a short amount of time while Bellamy was the one keeping watch.

Even if it did hurt her to admit, she'd trust Bellamy enough for her to sleep. He had the moral obligation to not harm Lincoln further with Octavia keeping her ears peeled for anything below, and for whatever reason, he had also created himself the moral obligation to keep Tyra from harm.

So, she momentarily slept, and every time she peeked her eyes open for a few minutes and Bellamy noticed just to pester her with water and food only for her, she'd only ignore him and go back to sleep again.

"Did you talk to The Ark?" Bellamy's voice woke Tyra up for possibly the third time that day, though she kept her head hung.

All her body ached from being in the exact same position for who knows how long. All her blood along her wrists and face had long since dried, filling her nose with the metallic smell, and the crusty feeling of it all already making her itch all over.

Tyra couldn't wait to leave and wash up at the river and then tell Anya she fully supported her cause for war, and with her support and her overall experience, it wouldn't take much to convince Lexa.

"I told Digg's mom the news, John's dad. I'm supposed to talk to Roma's parents later."

"Thanks for doing that. I owe you."

"Telling all these parents that their kids were murdered by Grounders, I just wish I could say we were getting some justice." Miller approached Lincoln, him having to stare down to meet Miller's murderous eyes as he walked around to face Tyra too. Tyra, who had stopped hanging her head and was now looking straight on.

They had tried washing her face free of the blood, that they didn't know was blood, and her coal covered eyes, more specifically Bellamy and Octavia had tried. She had nearly bitten the former's hand off for attempting, and kindly rejected the latter, staying with her stained face.

"We're not killing either of them."

Miller approached Tyra, raising his hand to rub at the paint on her cheek, but in a millisecond Tyra had already turned her face and bit his hand. Making Miller retract his hand back to his side.

"Miller, leave her alone." Miller didn't need to be told twice as he left Tyra's view and instead walked up to Lincoln, a fistful of crushed berries Bellamy had tried feeding to Tyra earlier in his hand.

"You were a lot scarier when you had that face paint on." Miller slapped the crushed berries onto Lincoln's face, and Tyra had half a mind to kick him somewhere it'd hurt, but Lincoln beat her to it by slamming his face into Miller's and sending him groaning to the ground. Simultaneously eliciting a smile from Tyra and a disappointed sigh by Bellamy.

"Get up." Bellamy grabbed Miller by the back of his jacket, and dragged him toward the seat in the corner, so he could nurse his face properly.

He turned back to catch Tyra's eyes one last time, only to notice she was just staring at the wall blankly, so he only left without another word being spoken.


Tyra didn't drift off to sleep any longer, now focusing on the wall in front of her while trying to come up with a way out before they killed both of them.

She had the option of maybe appealing to Bellamy to free her, using his soft spot for her as a way to free herself, and then free Lincoln and they both ran off.

Pawn {B.B} (1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang