(12) Do I have a story for you!

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(But first class was Nice!)
But yeah, I explained almost everything to Alice
(a girl has to have her secret's), on the way to the airport, and after that it was just complete and total silence!

And you know what makes this even worse the fact that I have to listen to Bella and Edwards little lovey dovey whispers!! Eww! I think I'm going to hurl!!

-time skip-

Finally!! We are off the plane! None of us had any bags so we, went through customs no problem.
I was planning to go home and think about what happened... I had to force myself not to on the plane so Edward didn't know what happened.

Why? You may ask, well because when I exited the airport doors every last member of the wolf pack was standing by their cars waiting....

Edward smirks at my thought, and I know for a fact he would have helped me do just that.
Everything was fine, they hadn't noticed me I thought I would be able to sneak over to my car and leave...
"Willow." I heard Sam say in a stern voice
Nope apparently not!!

"Heyyy, guys... whatcha doing here?" I say turning to face all of them
"Dude! I thought the vampires were going to eat you!!" Jared exclaimed from where he sat in his car
" I love the confidence you have in me."I joke
My eyes drifted to, Sam, Paul and Embry who all have serious looks on their faces, (Embry was trying his best... he's not to good at being serious)

" hey look I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys but it was sort of last minute!" I explain
" yeah but you could've at least tried to call we didn't have to hear from Jacob!!" Paul argued
" listen can we not do this here!!" I say starting to get a little pissed off
"doesn't matter I already told Charlie that we'd pick you up so come on." Sam said
" you can ride with me!!" Embry says happily

" Okay!" I say turning around to face Bella, Edward and Alice, " looks like I have no choice. I'll see you in a bit." I tell them and start walking towards the jeep Embry climbed in
" hey when you're done there can you see if one of them will drop you off at our place!! We really need to talk about it!!" Alice called towards me
" i'll see!!" I yell back as I hop into the Jeep.

I make myself comfy beside Embry in the back of the Jeep.
"Hey." I say to him with a smile
"Hey." He says back, returning my smile
As were driving down the road towards LA push the drowsiness of plane travel starts to get to me,
And slowly but surely I fall asleep with my head on Embry's shoulder.

-Time skip-

"Will... Willow wake up.." Embry whispered, lightly pushing on my shoulder
"Hmm, what?" I hum tiredly
"We're here." He explains quietly
"Oh.." I say, opening my tired eyes,
I go to open the car door,
" No. it's okay I got it." Embry stoped me, and opened his door and put a hand out for me
"Thank you.." I say when I exit the car,
I rub my tired eyes and walk into the house.

The second I walk into the house I'm greeted by Emily, I say hi to her and give her a hug before I go to sit down on the couch,
" what's in the box?" Quil asked, pointing to it with the muffin he had in his hand
"Oh! Just umm stuff." I say a little too quickly, Realizing I should've thought of a better answer...
" stuff?" Paul said walking up to me
"Yep..." I reply not making eye contact

" hey is that Jacob coming here to tell you off for leaving, when you already have a low tolerance for dumb ass's!" Jared called out pointing out the window behind me, knowing it would get me going
"where!" I yell turning my head, wanting to give him a piece of my mind.
" I don't see him?" I say, not seeing him anywhere out of the window
I feel the weight of the box move from my lap, and that's where my tired brain wakes up and realizes they played me.

" YOU LITTLE!" I yell in annoyance, I quickly turn around, and go to stand up but a hand on my head keeps me in my seat,
"Paul.." I say looking at him
"What I'm just looking at it." He said, and then continued to open the box
"What is it?" I hear Quil ask
"Stuff to write letters with.." he says looking at me
"Haha.. do I have a story for you!" I say nervously
"Spill." Quil, Embry, and Paul all say together
Meanwhile Sam just raised an eyebrow at me.

After I explained everything to them, I mean everything (I physically cannot lie to them)
I was left with blank faces that quickly turned into outrage,
"Your what!!" Embry yells
"The Mate, sorry true mate of a vampire king.." I mumble quietly, knowing full well they can still hear me

"AND YOU AGREED TO KEEP IN TOUCH!!!" Paul yells absolutely infuriated.
"Well yeah..." I say
"You are crazy.." Quil mumbles
" and this is something you have to do?" Sam questions
" yeah I'm pretty sure it is because you know the whole ignore it and you'll die thing is kind of a big deal... you know.. I kind of wanna live." I say absolutely sure
Sam just nods his head obviously deep in thought
" also if one of you could drive me to the Cullens.... That be great." I question the room

"are you crazy they're the ones who got you into this mess!" Jared says throwing his arms in the air
" yeah well they're also vampires to probably understand this better than you so..." I rebottle
" yeah OK whatever I'll do it!" He says
"Thank youuuu" I say heading for the door
" don't forget your stupid box!" Paul reminds me
"Oh thank you!" I say taking it from him and continuing my path outside

" just be safe okay!" Embry calls from the door
"I will!!" I say back getting into the passenger side of Jareds Jeep
" you owe me one." Jared mutters as we pull out of the driveway.

-Time skip-

As we pull into the Cullens driveway, I can see all of them standing outside waiting... Rosie!! I can't wait to see her!!
"Great.." Jared growled seeing that they were outside
"Jared be nice please..." I say with really bad puppy eyes (I suck at this sort of thing)
"Ok! Ok, I'll be civil!" He says as he parks
"Alright come on!" I say getting out of the car
"Fine....." he wines

As soon, as I get out of the car, I take off running towards Rosalie happy to see my friend.
"Rose!" I say happily
"Willow!" She says meeting me halfway,
(though with her speed I didn't even see her until she hugged me)
"I missed you so much." I whisper
"I missed you too." She tells me

I brake our hug to look at Jared who's just leaning on his car,
"Jare!! You going to come in!?" I ask him
"Nah! I think I'm going to go! I was nice seeing ya!" He yells, getting into his car.
"Ok bye! Thanks for the ride!" I call out to him as he leaves.

"So... how's everyone doing?" I say turning around to face everyone, they glance at each other nervously, and I don't miss the slightly aggressive glare Rose sends to Edward and Bella.
" I feel like right now the more important question is how are you doing." Carlisle asks me walking up and putting a hand on my shoulder breaking the awkward silence.
"I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I reply
he gives me a light smile and places his hand on the top of my back, and everybody starts to go inside
"Well you learned some very shocking news in Volterra... you would think that this would worry you quite a bit." He says softly

" no not really, sure at first yeah and it's still pretty weird but.. I'm fine really" I assure him
" if you say so but I would still like to know everything, and if you're not comfortable sharing it with everyone yet, I'll be happy to just sit and listen." He says, as we get to the living room.

Leave it to Carlisle to figure out that I was leaving things out when telling Alice what happened,
It's like having a second dad...
Not like it's a bad thing! But still double trouble for sure.

" i'd like that." I say quietly
" my office in a bit it's been a while since you've seen them." He says with a soft smile
"Thank you Carlisle." I say smiling walking over to the group
" i've missed you guys! Well not Edward but the rest of you of course!" I say
"Hahaha oooo burn!!" Emmett exclaims
Edward just gives me a bitchy look, everyone else has smiles...
I'm so happy to have them back.

{Hey sorry life's been crazy!! I'm working on two more chapters right now and I promise one day I'll have a normal posting schedule.. just not now.
But thank you for the reads and I appreciate the comments!! - 💙Axle💙}

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