(20)The guest list {Caius pov}

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" Arnold... how you disappoint us so..  we even gave you a second chance..." Aro scorned the man in front of us, as Felix pushed him onto his knees.
" and as you should know, the Volturi doesn't often give second chances." I growl in disgust
"You bring nothing but shame to your coven. What to do..." Aro pondered out loud for a moment
"Felix!" He called suddenly, the guard straightened up immediately
" bring him down to the dungeon for Jane to deal with and then when she's done, dispose of the rest." Aro ordered, his tone smooth but harsh and never changing.

As Felix exited with Jane, Dimitri entered
"Ahhh back from your trip!" Aro welcomed
"Yes i'm afraid that newborn group is drawing attention, and too much of it for that matter." Dimitri explained
"Let me see." Aro ordered, walking over to Dimitri and grabbing his hand.
"I see, the Cullens are watching us.. pity." Aro sighed
"They think we have something to do with this?!" I yell in outrage
"Yes, I'm afraid so Caius." Aro says, "Is there anything else?"

"Oh yes and I have letters." Dimitri adds holding out two letters
"Thank you." Aro said taking them from Dimitri, and signalling for him to leave.
"One for you Marcus, and for you Caius." He sings handing them to us.
Marcus' face lights up, it's been some time since anyone had sent him a letter.
I look at the letter recognizing my stationary, taking note that the envelope is held closed by a cat shaped sticker, I smile slightly.

"This is adorable..." I hear Marcus chuckle to himself
"Un gatto che dolce." (a cat how sweet) Aro remarks looking at Marcus' letter as he gently opens it,
I do the same taking care not to rip it.
"Oh do read it out loud brother." Aro said
"Fine.. if you wish." I respond,

Dear Caius,

I believe that this letter is well over do and I apologize for not reaching out sooner, however I was happy to hear from Marcus! And you will definitely see me at the ball, the Cullens however are still unsure.

I would also like to apologize about earlier this week if it caused you anywhere as close to as much pain it caused me, I'm so sorry Caius truly and if this apology isn't to your standers I'm more then happy to apologize in person.
I would also appreciate if it's possible I would like to spend some time to get to know you better. Maybe you could show me your favourite places, and I promise to do the same if you visit Forks.

Sincerely, Willow Swan

I finish reading the letter and look up at the two individuals in front of me.
"Oh how darling." Aro marveled
"She's so sweet." Marcus adds
"Oh shut up! What does yours say?" I asked Marcus
"Oh yes! Right!" He says, quickly un-folding the paper.

Dear Marcus,

I hope this letter finds you well! I'm happy to announce that I will be attending the ball, but I'm afraid the Cullens are not likely going to attend.

I truly appreciate being able to have someone to reach out to about this whole Mating bond situation, and will definitely be taking you up on the offer, because if I'm being honest I have no clue what I'm doing and in desperate need of some information on the subject.
Sincerely, Willow Swan

                                 Ps. Afton was an amazing choice we're getting along great! Oh and if you ever have a chance to visit Forks we would love to have you!


"Lei è proprio la più carina"(she is just the cutest) A voice sang from the doorway.
"Sulpicia." I acknowledge the woman
"She sounds very charming Caius.... The complete opposite of you." She smirks
"Like your any better." I mutter
"What was that?" She asked, snapping her head to face me.
"Nothing." I answer sourly

"I must applaud your courage to invite your human mate to a vampire ball, especially since your ex-wife is going to be there." She says flipping through a stack of papers.
"What?!" I snap, looking directly at Aro
"What? He didn't tell you?" Sulpicia says innocently
"I was just about to my darling." Aro defends
"Were you?!" I interrupt
"Listen Caius, Athenodora is a great allie to us, we can not afford a war with the Romanian Coven. " He argued

"I understand that but I have yet to explain that I had been married." I muttered
"I see... well that was a long time ago Willow wasn't even alive yet so I'm sure she won't mind." Sulpicia suggested her opinion
"Ughhhh..." I groan placing my head in my hands,
"don't remind me."
"Hahahaha, your really getting your personality back brother." Aro laughs

"Why thank you for making it seem like I didn't have one before." I grumble
"That's because you didn't." Sulpicia said plainly
"Well that's not entirely true.... It just disappeared over the years." Aro chuckled.
"Shut up!" I snap
"Oooooo, scary man~" Sulpicia teased
"I am still capable of talking your head off your shoulders..." I growl
"And even then I would haunt you forever!"She says, dramatically falling to the ground.

I simply roll my eyes, and stand up.
"Where are you going brother?"Aro questioned, as I moved carefully around his wife who still laid on the floor.
"My art room." I respond not wasting another moment, and speeding away.
In a matter of seconds I'm in my art room surrounded by the only things the have kept me sane throughout all this time.
I sit on the couch and take the phone off the side table, grabbing my sketchpad and placing it on my lap as I dial Aftons number.

"Sir." He said "is there anything I can do for you?"
"Could you put Willow on the line?" I ask
"Of course." He said, I could here some scuffling in the background and then..
"Hello?" She says, her voice sounding like hunny.
"Ciao, Bella." I try to keep a neutral tone.
"Noooo, I'm not Bella I'm Willow." She jokes, and can hear her giggling on the other side of the phone with Afton.
I smile softly, her voice bringing me a sense of calm in my otherwise destructive life.

"Sorry that was really bad." She admits, but I can tell she still has a smile on her face.
"I was alright..." I pause "how are your bruises doing?"
"They're alright, you can still faintly see them but they don't hurt anymore." She replied
" that's good to hear." I note, as I tap my pencil against the page in front of me.
"..I'm really sorry for earlier this week!" Willow blurts out
"Oh? Well since we're on the topic, what was that about?" I inquire, wanting to know the information that caused the issue in the first place.

"It's not really a conversation for the phone." She mumbled
"Well that's fine then, we'll talk when you come here." I suggest
"Oh yeah, about that what's the colour scheme?" She asks.
"Red, black, dark purple, navy blue." I list, as I sketch out the outline of the flower in front of me.
"Oooo pretty, so what are you wearing?" She questions.
"Red and black." I answered, putting in the details of every pedal.

"You seem distracted." She points out
"Yes sorry, I'm drawing." I explained
"You draw?!" She echoed
"Don't sound so surprised, what am I not allowed hobbies." I smirked, knowing the response I would get.
"No! That's not what I'm saying! It's just- I didn't!" She sputtered.
"I was joking." I laugh
"Oh.... I knew that." She said quietly

"Caius! We have another trial!" Aro's voice called through the door.
"One moment!" I yell back,
"I'm sorry my dear, I have to go but I wanted to say thank you for the letter I appreciate it and I cannot wait to see you again soon n better ground this time,
Caio Cara Mia." I say quickly
"Your welcome! And bye!" She replied before hanging up.

Maybe this whole mate thing wasn't as bad as I thought...
"Caius! Devi sbrigarti!" (You have to hurry up) Aro rushed,
"Oh mio Dio" I groaned. "Sarò proprio lì!"
(Oh my god) (I'll be right there)
"Ci metti un'eternità!" (You take forever) Aro argued
(You take forever)
'I take forever! Has he ever met himself before!
I swear!' I think to my self, putting all my stuff on the table and leaving to the court room.

{Hello my lovelies it has been a while! I've had a lot more creativity lately so hopefully there will be more to come! But in other news I have a Vampire Diaries fic in the works so tell me if you'd read that. And I do take requests! I'm thinking of doing a Twilight images series so tell me if you have any specific characters!!! Oh and how could I forget! THANK YOU FOR OVER 8k READS!!! I love you guys so much💙💙💙- Axle}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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