(18) oh boy..

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Afton and I have been shopping around for a while now, turns out he's very picky about his clothes.
"What do you think?" Afton asks me, spinning on his heal to show the outfit he picked out
"Real nice partner." I say with a bad southern ascent, tipping my imaginary cowboy hat
"Why thank you sugar." He says doing the exact same thing.
"No problem." I say smiling
"Now! Go try the outfit I picked for you on!" He says clapping his hands excitedly

"Ok, ok!" I say throwing my hands up, as I go into the changing room
what. Is. That.
"Afton there is no way in hell I'm trying this on!!"
I argue
"Come on! It won't hurt to try?" He pleads
"...I'll try it on I guess." I mutter
"Yayyyyy!" He applauds like a child

: "Where would I even wear this?" I ask stepping out of the change room "Anywhere hunny!! Oh my lord! You look stunning!" He exclaims, dramatically bowing

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"Where would I even wear this?" I ask stepping out of the change room
"Anywhere hunny!! Oh my lord! You look stunning!"
He exclaims, dramatically bowing.
"I don't know... and did you see the price?" I say
"Price, shmish. Doesn't matter." He says waving his hands around.

"We're getting it.. also there's another outfit in there for you by the way." He says looking though some more racks of clothes,
I give him a questioning look
"Don't worry.. it's not a dress." He assured me
"Alright... I'm trusting you." I warn him, as I go back into the changing room.

-Time skip-

We as we get home from around three hours of shopping, I noticed Edwards car parked on the road and I see him and Bella walking to the house as I pull in.

"And then he said-" Afton stops his story about Felix abruptly and tense up slightly
"Stay here." He says quickly and then runs inside
And I see Edward follow after him, as I hop out of the truck

"What's with them?" I ask Bella
"I don't know..." she says walking toward the door
"Are you crazy?! What if there's some blood crazy Vamp in there waiting to kill you?!" I hiss grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the door

"Yeah there is! And you brought him here! And got dad to unknowingly let him stay in the house! For all we know he could eat dad or me in our sleep!" She freaks out on me

She did not just say that!
She better apologize for blaming me and saying that about someone she doesn't even know!!

"Did Edward tell you that?!" I yell
"Yes! And he's right! That thing drinks human blood Willow!! Your putting everyone at risk!" She yelled at me
"Thing!! He's a Vampire Bella just like that Frankenstein's monster of a boyfriend you have!"
I yell absolutely pissed

"Why you!" She starts before getting cut off
"Willow! Somethings wrong." Afton says exiting the house
" what's up?" I ask concerned
"There was definitely another Vampire here I just don't know what they were doing." He explains leading me into the house

We go upstairs to Bella's room and see Edward looking around for anything he can find I start to feel dizzy and sit on the bed
"You okay?" Afton asks
"Yeah I just-"
bam out like a light!

'Not this Shit again'
I'm in the doorway of Bella's room and I feel a gust of wind and suddenly I see a someone... i'm not sure who their face is covered. They walk around Bella's  room picking things up and putting them back down in the exact same place, looking around until they suddenly turn and I watch as they enter my room

'What are you looking for?' I whisper
Even though they can't hear me
I followed behind them and watch as the person looks through my things and then obviously getting bored the person, drops something on my bed and leave's.
-end of vision-

"Willow? What happened? What did you see?"
Afton asks gently
" I don't know there's a person most likely a vampire, and they were looking around mine and Bella's things but didn't seem to find what they wanted and they just left..... I didn't see their face." I tell the two of them
" probably another member of the Volturi looking for reasons to get my family in trouble." Edward mutters

" excuse me" Afton says defensively
" oh please you know how Aro is he's probably looking for a reason to kill off my entire family but pardon me and Alice because we have done no wrong, just so he can use our gifts." Edward argues

I start to feel defensive as well at Edwards words
"Edward you haven't even seen any other perspective besides Carlisle's! How can you be sure that they would do that!" I blurted out
"Willow, you need to stop and think for a second! That you don't even know them!! So don't think you know everything just because you refuse to believe that the creature you're Mated to is a Monster!"
He yells.

I freezing place his words hitting me hard and deep.
Aftons gaze turns almost murderous at Edwards words, my eyes trailed over to my room and I spot something on my bed, I leave Bella's rooms slowly walking over to it,
"Willow?" Afton so softly as he approaches me his gaze softens a lot more as he sees the tears brimming in my eyes from the words spoken to me.

"He doesn't know what he's talking about.. what's that?" He says seeing the same thing I am
I reach down and pick up the black envelope...
Looking it over chasing my finger across the golden border and rubbing the Golden wax seal with my thumb a Volturi crest engraved on the seal..

"What..." I whisper carefully opening the envelope
"Is it from Caius?" Edward asks
"No... he's too suborn, he'd wait till she sends him a letter first." Afton replies not looking at him
"It's from Marcus..." I tell them looking at the name on the letter
"Why would he-" Edward gets cut off
"Shhh! Read it out to us." Afton asks me

'Saluti, Signora Swan

I'm sending you this as an invitation, to ensure that you know you are welcome in Voltara anytime and if you are unsure about anything considering your bond you may contact me, and that even though we would've preferred Caius to do this he is to Testardo for his own good.
We would like to invite you and any of the Cullens that wish to come, to an event that will be held at Castle Volterra in three months time, There will be dancing and drinks and we would be overjoyed with your presence.

Sinceramente, Marcus'

"Wow..." I said looking up from the letter
"Oooo! Party! Ball! Dresses!!" Afton says, excitedly dancing in a circle for a second
" there's no way any of us are going." Edward says leaving my room
" we didn't want you there anyways..." Afton mutters
" I don't know..." I say
" oh come on we have to!" Afton says convincingly

"I'll think about it." I tell him
"Sweet!" He says reaching down and grabbing some thing else off the bed
" are those plane tickets?" I ask
" private jet passes for you and a plus one, I already have mine." He says handing them to me
" private jet!" I squeal
" what part of Rich Kings don't you understand?" He laughs at me

"Oh yeah! Dah sorry!" I say sarcastically
"But yeah no danger! we're all good." Afton says relived
"Yeah all good." I smile
"Hey I'm going to make dinner, want to help?"
He asks me
"Sure!" I say, placing the letter down on my desk
"And maybe after we'll try to write that letter again, yeah?" He says softly as he leaves the room

"Definitely..." I respond
I stand there for a moment, thinking back on what Edward said...
He's wrong.
He has to be... Right?

{Testardo = stubborn}
{Hi! Hello! I'm so sorry my lovely's I've been swamped in homework and I'm writing two other stories right now and I've definitely taken on more than I can chew but, hopefully I'll get you another chapter out by next week! -💙Axle💙}

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