The plan (Noah + Evangelia)

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I'm sitting in the car with Steve, he doesn't want to be here well neither so I but here we are.

"Why don't you want the burner to call?" He looks at me

"What?" He asks

"She said you knew what would have to happen for it to call and you seemed stressed about the thought of it ringing. Why?" I ask

"Angie haven't told you?"

"Told me what exactly?" Giving him a strange look

"If the phone rings she's... dead." What did he say!

"What now?"

"She have a ship that she programmed to trigger a call from her burner to ours. The ship sends the call if or when her heart stops..."

"She's been doing all that for her possible death?"

"Possible? She really haven't told you anything now has she?" Told me what? What the fuck is going on


"Well ehm she is the one person on earth with the most bounty's on earth in her head..." he says before adding

"Look she's Evangelia nothings gonna happen! She some of a kind okay." Well what the fuck she really have been keeping all this from me.

"Why wouldn't she tell me this stuff?"

"Are you stupid? Why would she? Most people would either walk away or I don't know betray her! A lot of people have... believe me I would know"

"Why have you known each other for long?" I ask

"Angie, Jason, Shawn and me got to know each other through the 'B&B'. We did missions together ever since! I usually either guard or I'm the sniper. Jason well you've seen the muscle on that man. Well he's the muscle man. Shawn is tech he and Angie always paired up. He does the tech work and she does the muscle work. She might look tiny but that woman could destroy anyone." He takes a break and then continues talking.

"She's saved all our asses more times than we can count! She single handedly fought of a whole cartel wear house while the three of us were held hostage. Look what I'm trying to say is she's not gonna die she might because she would do anything for the people she love and I mean anything! But she won't because she's Angie! And Angie doesn't die." She really is amazing huh


"No, no but's! Look if she dies she will do it for the people she love you, me, Isla. And she will think it's worth it! That's the only thing she cares about, she doesn't care if she lives or dies but us? Naaaah someone touch us and she will kill them, destroy them, erase them from the face of the earth! Which means she won't die die because she will kill every single person who could harm Isla on their way back." He laughs

"Will she actually kill people?"

"Yea, but not because she actually wants too! She does it because she have to. If she doesn't have to she will only injure them... severely. But if they have harmed Isla even the slightest they're all dead!"

"Wow I never thought she was serious with the mafia and killing stuff." I never thought I would say that! But what if she's hurt! She's.. I love her! Fuck I never thought I'd say that either. But I do I really do love her!

"Believe me it isn't easy none of it! I thought you'd know that already! All those nightmares and every time she looks in the mirror she sees something that she hates... a killer" that's why she hates to look at herself in the mirror. She's never said it but it's easy to notice. Every time she walks by a mirror she quickly look and then she just as quickly look away looking ashamed and disgusted at what she saw in there.

"I never wanted to ouch her, I thought she would tell me when she was there! And I mean especially now after the whole Zach-" I got interrupted

"Zach like her ex Zach? What about him? That guy moved to like Thailand or some shot what could he have done?" Shit!

"It's not really my place to say okay I thought you already knew..."

"If I don't it's bad... really fucking bad that woman tells us everything... I do understand why she wouldn't tell you all of this. She doesn't give one person to much information so they can't fully betray her. But with us, no! So fucking tell me or I'll leave you here!" He's scary

"Well I can't then leave me here, she'll kill you! We both know it, well you just told me she would." I answer back he'll have to fish for the answers.

"Fine! But only because I want to hear it from her!" Mhmm sure, right!


"Look Shawn this is different. The building doesn't have any internet or connection which means no earpiece..."

"Then I'll have to be there I guess, we can still use walkies!" He tells me

"Shawn your not gonna be there, I won't let you! This is different their not like others. They don't even care if they hurt their own for the smallest of things. Your gonna go set up at the office with Steve, but first.... We're gonna work on a plan I still need your brains to understand the outlay and make an estimate of how this will go."

"No way I'm not letting you go in blind!"

"Its not up to you Shawn! I'm your boss you do as I say... look I don't want to have to do that but we both know what needs to be done! I go in take Isla and then the boys raid the house and claim the coke and weaponry" I tell him

"Well at least take jason with you!"

"I'm not letting him in their like that I'm not risking his life! He has a child and a wife! You know I can do it alone or are you questioning that?" I snap in anger

"No I-"

"I don't care Shawn let me do my thing, you will be watching the cameras so that I can get a report back on what I did wrong!"



Authors note:
Why do you guys think she's so mad about the report?

Please vote!
Word count: 1070

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