All over again

777 18 3

My boyfriend may be amazing at most things he do but lying is not one of them! He can't lie to save his life and then Adonis throwing in the ice cream thing, i know they're lying.

The door opens, I can see them being stressed and sweating from here. Maybe not asking is more efficient than grilling them. Hmmm we'll see!

"What did you do today?" Adonis ask

"Work" I answer short but consistent. His face says 'elaborate' so I do.

"Mostly just answering emails and looking at future recruits" he nods.

I just realized what a hypocrite I am... I'm slightly angry with them for lying to me, but I'm doing the same. Well I don't know if the situations are the same, because I don't know what they're lying about. So I say I'm not a hypocrite... not if it's not the same kind of situation.

"Is your arm bruised?" Noah ask, forgot about that.

"I worked out a bit, that's why I'm tired" that's not a lie though... I did work out!

"Oh okay" he's questioning it. I should probably have said that I killed someone or something. It would have been more plausible! Well what to do.

Adonis left an hour ago. And I think it's time to talk about Canada.

"So there's something I've wanted to talk about..." his head snaps toward me quickly.

"So I've been thinking about maybe the possibility of moving back to Canada" he smiles a little.

"Me too" what a relief

"And I think maybe that could be us officially getting an apartment together and move in with each other..." he stares for a bit, I'm starting to get scared he'll hate that idea.

"Really?" He asks


"I think that's perfect! I've talked with my old team and I would have a place there if I were to move back"

"Oh okay, that's great!"

While having this conversation I realized that I was scared to ask him... because he wouldn't have moved for me then, why would he now? I don't know...
But when he said he already talked to the coach and all... he's already planned a life in Canada and hadn't asked me or talked about it at all with me.

I don't know if it's just me being scared or if that's actually a problem. And would he have just moved eve if I wouldn't go with, would he once again just leave. I don't know, but I can't trust that he wouldn't!

"You didn't sound convincing at all"

"It's just, you already talked to them before me? Not saying that you have to just... were you going to tell me?" He hesitates.

"I hadn't decided" is he joking?

"You hadn't decided in what exactly?"

"On if I was going to move..." what!

"How long have you had this going on? You've only been here a couple of weeks and you already have a team. You just got shot! Did you know before then?" I'm actually mad right now!

"Wait I don't understand why you're angry with me?" Of course he doesn't!

"Because once again two years later you still make all those life changing decisions by yourself! I just proposed to us actually having a life together. But you have a life of your own! It's like you can't let me be a part of it! If I hadn't brought this up would you have told me?" Once again he hesitate

"You know what no! You don't have to answer I already know!" I grab my keys

"Where are you going?"

"Where ever! Work, Adonis, Italy I don't fucking know!"

"You can't just walk out and leave me here in the middle of a fight Evangelia!" And I thought I was a hypocrite.

"Can't I? Your the expert on just leaving people! Especially during a fight! Your also an expert on keeping life changing decisions for yourself! Not thinking about that it fucking effect my life too! SO DON'T TELL ME I CAN'T LEAVE!........ you have no right too tell me I can't leave...."

I don't know if that was too harsh, but fucking hell i can't just let this go! Was I too kind to let him back in so soon before he could prove himself! Probably! I thought that him leaving his career to get me back was enough proof... maybe it wasn't....

I deserved that I did, but fuck it hurt! But I don't understand how everything could go so wrong so quickly! It's like she still doesn't trust me! Which she has all right to, but we have to talk about it.

Oh hell no... Adonis is spam texting me. Mostly curse words and 'are you fucking stupid!' Or 'I'll run you over with my car' and so on.

We've been out in the city all day searching for a ring. I know we've not been together for more than a couple weeks but I mean it's technically been way more than that! And I wasn't going to propose now. I didn't even buy a ring.

When she told me about moving I envisioned me proposing I'm our new apartment in Canada. Like an empty apartment and we're just standing in our home. But looks like I'll have to put that on hold.

I think I'm actually the most stupid person. I have the most amazing woman in my life! A woman who is so beautiful and smart and caring. She's perfect for me, she is the person I want to have children with,  the woman I want to marry and grow old next too! And still I fuck it up, every fucking time!

I try calling her over and over. She doesn't answer (not surprising) so I guess I'll have to find her this time. I won't let my stupid self let this run through the sand! I love her, she's the love of my life and I won't ever let her go again! Never ever again!

I'm not crying you are!

Word count: 1010

i see youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz