First Day

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The manor is a twisting of bright iron creating a form a teapot as stream rise from chimney. Yards being look after gnomes with a lush garden looking part of a natural surrounding only each and every colour meticulous pondered, debated and voted by the gnomes. They take the art of gardening very seriously and rumour is that they can talk to the any creature that enter a garden they reside in. Coming to the large doors of the manor with fine carvings and statues of a tea party surround the door with every teapot being poured spouting water into cups. Bates pulling a chain bring large chimes to sound.

When the doors open to a woman at an age late thirties. She was blond and tall with eyes that gleam. Her laugh lines around her eyes are faded compare to the frown lines. Her nose however a strong big nose that remind Terrie of the soldiers that she helped heal as her time as a nurse. She always finds those that with strong big nose always believe strongly in their actions.

"Hello, I am Detective Bates and this is Detective Constable Cotta and this is our forensic scientist Wz McCloud."

The lady opens the door wider "I am Miss Karma, Mrs Teapot secretary. I made the call when I found Mrs Teapot."

"Thank you, Miss Karma; can you take Wz McCloud to the room and then we can talk privately."

Miss Karma stands to the side showing the glamour of the hall room and a gleaming letter service, with pipes services lining the wall. Terrie eyes brighten when she sees a golem form of a Willy Way Tail, it wiggles its tail before jumping place to place.

"I see that you have a security system, Miss Karama, may I have a talk with it." Terrie asks.

Miss Karma face was stone for a second before a tired smile stretch her lips. "Yes, I can arrange for you to talk to the security golems though since they are animal based; birds by design, they may be difficult to get anything."

They climb the stairs as just like the front door. The staircase a decoration of humans harvesting tea leaves. "They are done in honour of our partners. The Clarke family." Rose states.

Bates whistle "Taking these stairs every day you won't have to work out."

Wz McCloud clear their throat "So up we go?"

"Yesterday I had to deliver the Homelife magazine to Mrs Teacup and the new designs and to be approve for the next six months. Mrs Teacup likes them at six thirty so she can go over them with her seven o'clock tea before having a meeting with the CEO Addison at eight. So, when I went to inform her that Addison was here for the meeting, I found her." Karma voice struggle to complete the sentences.

"Is it usual for Mrs Teacup to have meetings with people at eight?" Bates asks.

"Oh yes, it is common for her to have two meetings a month for eight in the evening, said it keeps them not too comfortable. She does not like people who don't show dedication to keep their job."

They come up to a door of varnish of pale wood. Only the door handle was a design of a snake curling around a tree branch. Miss Karma takes a key from her inside jacket pocket tailored with light pink and touches of lace around edges, with pearl buttons to show that this jacket not for the common people. Though still with the village principles.

Walking into a large room, carpet set out to have three different seating areas. Themes of lions and snakes that contrast far from tea plantation and the family story of making luxury tea sets. There is a show of gold and blue to bring a connection to each space. And there in a chair at the far corner that sits with a mirror facing the door allowing the person to see who comes through is Mrs Teacup; in a large shimmering bubble.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now