9 Friends

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     "Cut him loose, Harry." Uma told him.

Harry sighs. "I never get to have any fun."

Harry slices his sword up cutting the ropes on Ben's feet and hands. Ben stumbles forward and Mal firmly grabbed his hand as he was still on his knees, as Uma held is shoulder. Uma grabbed the wand as Mal still held it. The crew cheers. They both let go as Uma turns around towards the crew. Harry grabbed my waste and held me close as we went to stand beside Uma. I keep my eyes on the V.K's, something didn't feel right.

     "Okay, okay." Uma settled everyone down, and I turned my to Uma. "By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!" Uma said with the wand pointing towards the sky. We all waited but nothing happened, of course. It was a fake. Harry let go of my waste as we turned to the V.K's.

     "No!" Uma Yelled then snapped it on her knee. "You do not get to win every time!"
I saw Mal trying to push Ben away but he seemed to not want to leave. Jay quickly got out some swords.

    "Get 'em!" Uma ordered.
Suddenly a cloud of blue smoke was shot in front of us, the pirates scream. Another one was shot at one of the masts only it was yellow.
Soon the smoke cleared and the crew ran of the ship. A couple ran straight for Mal but they were thrown into the water below with a splash.

I see Harry heading towards Jay. I climb up a bit before swinging on the rope landing in front of Evie. I pull out my sword with a smile. I see the heart break in her eyes as I swing. She just barely moved out of the way. On my second swing my sword hit hers.
Evie was good at fighting, good with a sword, but I was so much better. I was winning easily and I could see her struggling to keep up.

     "(Y/n), why are you doing this?" Evie asked.

     "Because of love, Evie. And that's apparently not considered betrayal because Mal already did it when she fell in love with Ben, she left the Isle." I tell her as we continue to fight.

     "(Y/n), you trust Hook? (Y/n), we're your real friends." Evie begged.

     "You are? I would of thought that 'real friends' would notice me when I'm gone, or sad, or in need of help. I thought they would notice that how much less time I was with them." I almost yell at her. "Evie, we've been dating for three years." I see the shock in her face. I knock her sword from her hand.

     "(Y/n), I didn't know." She says.

At that moment I see Harry from the corner of my eye. I turn my head to look at him. His sword was stuck in the wood fence as Jay kicked and punched him. I watch as Harry falls to the ground, I look closer at Jay and I see Harry's hook hanging from his sword.
Harry ran for Jay, burning with anger, but Jay ran to the edge and held out his sword dangling the hook above the water.
Evie who was watching me confused, quickly picked up her sword and pointed at me ready to fight, but I didn't care because I was focused on Harry and I knew how important that hook was to Harry.
Harry tossed his sword to the ground in surrender, out stretching his hand for his hook back.
I ignore Evie, which confuses more her till she realizes what I was watching. I go and lean against the railing still waiting Harry.

     "(Y/n)?" Evie said.

Jay quickly moved his sword, dropping the hook into the water far below.
Fear and worry builds inside me as I watch Harry run forward, picking up his sword and jumping in the water.

     "Harry!" I scream, the fear, concern and worry was clear in my voice.
I put my sword away and quickly jumped down under the railing running to where Harry jumped only seconds ago.
I make it to the railing and look down, there was no sign of him.
I let out a breath when I finally see him resurface, something was wrong. I could see him still looking down getting ready to go back under, he didn't have his hook.
Desperate to help him I get ready to dive. Just then I feel a hand on my shoulder holding me back.

Love comes first //Harry Hook x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now