20 The Truth

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The sky was black as we quietly approached the cottage following Ben.
Ben paused at a tree and waited for us to catch up. When we were all behind him he carefully made his way over to the cottage.
Stopping one last time we all hid behind the trees and rocks as Ben grabbed Mal's hand. I watch as Ben pushed open the squeaky metal gate and the rest of us followed.

Ben was the first in the door reading himself for a fight but when he entered he stopped and looked around. I push forward as I hold Harry's hand and we are met with an empty room. Jay ran up the stairs to see if Audrey was there but I already knew she wasn't.
Everyone entered the room and stared not quite sure as to what they should do next.

"She's not upstairs." Jay said as he came back down.

Suddenly we all heard a banging on a door.
Ben looked around to find the source coming from a closet that he was closest to. We all stood behind Ben waiting to see what was behind the door.
Ben quickly opened the door revealing a shaking and scared Chad sitting with his knee pulled to his chest.

"Chad?" Ben says.

"I want my Mommy." Chad said looking up at Ben. I had to restrain myself from breaking out into laughter.

Ben bent down to help him up. "No!" Chad yelped as he flinched away from Ben.

"It's okay." Ben said and put his hands back. Chad didn't resist and let Ben help him up. "What happened, buddy?" Ben asked nicely.

Chad didn't answer as he quickly and cautiously turned his head around scanning the room and the people in it for Audrey.

"Hmm." Chad stood up straight then looked at Ben. "Ben. Ben!" Chad gasped and excitedly grabbed Ben by the shirt. Ben stumbled back with his back against the door not sure what was happening. "Your face." Chat then turned to us although I could tell he wasn't looking at us he looked past us to the open door. "She's gone? Huh? The door is open. I'm free." Chad pulled Ben up and shook him by the collar of his jacket. "Freedom! Ohhh! Freedom!" Chad yelled as he released Ben and ran straight through our group and for the open door.

I couldn't hold laughter in any longer nor could Harry because as soon as Chad was out the door we both broke in to laughter.
When we stopped I smiled at Harry and closed the closet door before we left the cottage and joined the others that were already outside.

"Ooh. All right. Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already." Uma sighed. Mal laughed at her comment. "What do you say, Girls? Time to wrap things up?"

"You know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up." Ben told Mal.

"Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over." Evie happily told Ben.

"Mal?" Ben questioned.

"I have to tell you guys something." Mal announced and we all stopped walking. "Um..." Mal sighed and turned to face everyone. "I lied to you." She looked at all of us. "The kids won't be coming off the Isle."

"I'm sorry?" I questioned hoping I didn't hear her right.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"The program is shut down. And the barrier... will be closed for good." Mal explains.

Harry grunts beside me as I squeeze his hand.

"For Auradon's safety." Ben adds.

"Hold up." Uma walks up to Mal. "So we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie. I knew it was a mistake to trust you. You're always out for yourself." Uma says as I drop Harry's hand in shock about the reality of what Mal said hitting me.

"And you, King Benny..." Harry yelled and points at Ben as he walks towards him, stopping inches from Ben's face. "You're probably just gonna throw us all back inside." Harry glanced at me as he spoke in a serious and slightly sad tone, silence followed.

"You know what?" Celia said breaking the silence as she walked up to Mal. "I actually thought you were brave. You're nothing but a chicken. Too scared to tell me I was never gonna see my dad again." Celia yelled I could hear the hurt in her voice and the tears that she failed to hold back. I walked forward and stood close to a little bird bath.

"Celia." Mal said sadly. Celia walked forward grabbing Hades ember from her. "Celia! Celia, no!" Mal yelled and lunged forward as Celia tossed it towards the water and walked away.

"Celia!" Evie called.

I stretched my arm out just catching the ember before it hit the water. I heard a sigh of relief from Mal as I caught it.

"When you agreed to let all the kids go, I felt so happy, 'Queen Mal,' would change the lives of so many, including me. You gave me hope, I guess Audrey would have been a better Queen. Well, I don't even care anymore." I say and drop the ember into the water, the ember sparked at the contact with the water followed by smoke.

"(Y/n)! No! No." Mal screamed and desperately ran towards the water picking up the ember and trying to shake the water off. "Regain your might and ignite!" Mal yelled as I calmly walked over to Harry. I watched as nothing happened to the ember. "No... Regain your might and ignite!" She walked over to Uma and held it out for her to help.
Harry and I stood behind Uma as she held out her shell, but nothing happened.

"Bummer. Let's go find Gil and leave them all to rot." Uma told us and we followed her pushing past Mal.

"No." She gasped. "Uh... Uma! (Y/n)! (Y/n)." She called but I didn't even turn back as Uma, Harry and I walked out into the forest leaving the others behind.

Love comes first //Harry Hook x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now