15 Audrey

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The next day I went over to Evie's cottage, It has a sign in the front of it saying 'EVIES 4 HEARTS.' It was also where the new V.K.'s were staying.
I walked up and found Celia and Dizzy eating a piece of Jane's birthday cake outside.

"Now what are you two doing?" I act angry.

"We're sorry." Dizzy immediately apologized.

I just start laughing. "I'm joking, I'm not mad. Now pass me a bit."
Celia and Dizzy smile as Celia picks up a piece on her fork and pointed it at me, I take it off with my hand and pop it in my mouth, enjoying the cake. I sit down beside them on the fireplace edge.
They finish the rest of their cake and I head inside.

"Hey, Evie, where is Mal?" I ask as I look around the main room, everyone else was packing for Jane's birthday.

"Oh, I think she's outside." Evie said.

Strangely we all hear Audrey's voice from outside. I, Carlos, Jay, Evie and Celia ran out the doors to see Audrey outside.

"So long, suckers!" Audrey said before disappearing in a cloud of pink. Only she didn't look normal, her hair was pink, and she had a long cape with feathers but most importantly she held Maleficent's sceptre and had the crown on top of her head.
I turned to Mal who gave me a jump when I saw her, and not just me.

"Whoa! You might wanna think of a spell for that." Jay said to Mal when he saw her. She was hunched over with a dirty looking cloak, her hair was pure white, her nose was arched and her face was covered with wrinkles.

"There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter." Mal responded quietly.

"Well, that's a shame." Carlos said.

"Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge and all of Auradon is in danger." Mal said in a scratchy voice.

"What should we do?" Evie asked.

"The only thing more powerful than the scepter... is Hades' ember."

"Great." I say.

"Oh! Like he's just gonna hand it over, give them back to the Isle." Jay said.

"And no one knows where his lair is." Evie added.

"I do. I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my Dad's." Celia told us.

"You are coming." Mal said pointing at her with her wrinkled hand and long pointed back nails.

"But I just got here." Celia groaned.

"Mal?" Evie questioned.

My head whips around when I hear a scream behind me. Dizzy and the Twins were standing in the door huddled together at the sight of Mal.
Evie quickly walked over to them.

"Dizzy, stay here to take care of the Twins. We'll be right back and everything will be just fine." Evie reassured them.

"Go inside. Okay." I say walking to them.

"Guys, go get your stuff." Evie told us.

I go inside and up to the room that Evie has for me. I keep most of my stuff in here for the time being but I still technically live at the school. I pick up a bag of pixie dust and make sure my bottle is full. The I pick up my sword putting it in my belt.
I run down stairs to the others who are outside by the bikes, we each got our own bikes. Carlos tosses me my helmet.

We ride to the edge, right beside the water looking out at the Isle. We stopped our bikes.

"Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere." Mal chanted.
We drove forward floating above the water.

We rode through the Isle and parked close by Dr. Faciller's.
I took off my helmet and set it down on my bike, I looked around but my eyes landed on Mal.

     "Hey. I'm me again." She said looking over her hands.

     "Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point." Celia stated at walked off with all five of us following.

She led us through an alley and to a metal door with the words 'PA DERANJE' in neon green painted on it. Celia gave a complicated special knock one the door and when she was finished it slid open.
Mal was the first to follow Celia in and I was the second.

Inside was a colourful arcade.

     "Daddy!" Celia yelled in excitement as she ran over to her Father.

I walked around looking at the things inside.

     "Uh. guys. Come look at this." Carlos called.

I walk over as, us five huddled in front of the small TV.

     "There are rumours that Sleeping Beauty's Daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It is moving this way." A male reporter said as he walked in front of Auradon Prep.

"I think we should hurry." I say.
Everyone agreed and we all made are way outside.

"Wow! Rookie mistake?" Carlos said when he stepped outside.
I big smile spread across my face at the sight of Harry.

"Long time nay see." Harry smiled as he sat on Jays bike. Gil was on Carlos's and two other Boys were on Mal's and Evie's bike's, of course no one was on mine. When Harry finished his sentence they started to drive off one by one.

"Get of my bike, Hook." Jay ordered annoyed as he and Carlos ran forward.

"Catch me if you can, Jay." Harry smirked and laughed as he drove off with the rest just as Jay and Carlos lunged.

I stopped beside Carlos.

"Over the roofs. Cut them off." Jay ordered and Evie, Jay and Carlos ran.

I opened my pixie dust and sprinkled some on me. I jumped up and easily caught up with Harry.
I silently landed behind and put my arms around his waist.
He was just about to shove me off when he realized who I was.

"You weren't going to push me, were you?" I accuse.

"Of course not." He says.

I jump up and slide in front of him resting my head to the side.

I look up at him smiling.
After a while the bikes were headed directly for a wall, the other Boys already jumped off abandoning the bikes. Harry let go of the handles and wrapped his arms around me as he jumped off leaving all the bikes to crash into the wall. Harry and I rolled over a couple times when we hit the ground, when we came to a stop we both just laughed laying together on the dirty ground.

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