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"Holy shit!" I gasped with wide eyes and my jaw on the floor

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"Holy shit!" I gasped with wide eyes and my jaw on the floor. "Harry, this is insane..."

I wasn't even sure where to look. Suddenly, I couldn't quite decide if what I had in front of my eyes was actually real or not. I fell into a complete trance, mesmerised by the incredible landscape we had ahead of us as Harry held onto the steering wheel with a wide grin plastered across his face.

Our plane had landed about forty minutes ago and as soon as we managed to get a car and rent it, we were on our way. Harry was still pretty vague about where we were going exactly, but he had told me that our final destination was a bit of a drive away and that I'd find out soon enough, so I decided to just sit back and let him do his thing.

We had passed quite a few towns so far and every fibre of my being was buzzing with anticipation, dying to know what Harry's plans were exactly.

"Welcome to Tuscany, my love." He glanced at me shortly, bringing our intertwined hands up to his mouth and pressing a sweet kiss to my skin. "It's pretty, isn't it?"

I turned my head from him to look out the window again, my throat closing up as I struggled to put my thoughts into words. It wasn't just pretty, it was unbelievable. We were driving across the Italian countryside, green grass and trees surrounding us from every direction. I could even catch a glimpse of the sea on our left, the sun shining down to paint it the most beautiful shade of blue, just for our eyes.

It looked like magic. The picture in my head that I had created based on Harry's description didn't even come close to this. Honestly, it just looked like a scene straight out of a movie and I found it hard to believe that I was lucky enough to catch sight of this place, let alone spend a whole week here.

I seriously had no words, but I knew if I just said those three simple ones, Harry would know. He wouldn't need an explanation, he would just understand it all.

"I love you." I breathed, squeezing his hand and looking at him with so much adoration that it felt like the weight of it could crush me, but I didn't mind. I'd gladly crumble to pieces any second if it meant I get to be his for eternity.

Harry just stared at me for a long moment, a soft smile on his lips and a look in his eyes that I couldn't describe as anything other than devotion. For a moment he looked like he was going to say something, but right as he opened his mouth to do so, his voice either betrayed him or he simply just changed his mind, I couldn't tell... He eventually pressed another kiss to my hand before turning back to the road, and for the rest of the drive we were both silent.

It wasn't an awkward silence, it was the kind that made you feel at ease. It was familiar and comfortable, wrapping the two of us in a warm hug and making my chest tight in the best possible way.

I could feel my heartbeat racing as Harry eventually slowed down the car and made a right, getting off the main road and towards a much more secluded area. He seemed like he knew where he was going which surprised me, because there were no signs or any kind of guidance, but I didn't question it. I just bit down on my bottom lip in excitement, knowing it was only a matter of time now.

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