What Have We Done

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Hey, Back to it

I have no clue how many chapters there will be. Quite a few, I reckon.


A few hours after, the Doctor left Rhodes Island and before he Met Agenta on the side of the road.


*Knock, Knock*

"Dokutah, It's Amiya. Can I come in?"

*Knock, Knock*

"We are approaching Lungmen. Are you preparing?"

*Knock, Knock*



"I'm coming in, Dokutah."

The Door to Y/n's office opens, and Amiya steps through. She notices that the lights are off and Doctor Y/n is not in sight. Amiya turns on the office light and quickly scans the room, not seeing anything out of the ordinary.

Amiya is concerned. Her face scrunched in worry and mild panic as her mind came up with possible reasons for his whereabouts. He's always in his office this early in the morning! He should be here! Amiya thinks to herself.

Amiya quickly leaves the room and shuts the door behind her, Not noticing the Letter on the desk.

Through the halls of Rhodes Island, worried Amiya stops every early morning riser that crosses her path and asks them if they have seen the Doctor. Every response is the same, Confused looks followed by a shake of the head and a no.

Amiya bursts into the Cafeteria, catching the attention of dozens of staff and operators and looks frantically around for the silhouette of the Doctor but is unable to locate him.

"Amiya, what's wrong?" A concerned voice calls out.

The young Cautus leader of Rhodes Island pays little attention to the voice, still searching everyone with her eyes, hoping he is somehow in the room.

"Amiya!" The voice calls again, and a hand on her shoulder makes her jump and turn. Hoping it's who she's trying to locate.


Only for Amiya to come face-to-face with Nearl.

"Nearl! have you seen the Dokutah this morning?" Her voice was straining.

"No, I'm sorry. I can't say I have. Why? has something happened?" Nearl gives her a worried look.

"I can't find him!" Amiya is close to a full-blown panic.

Everyone in the Cafeteria starts whispering to each other after Amiya speaks. Some operators around her don't look overly interested, while others are concerned.

Nearl looks at the panicking and distraught Leader; She knows Amiya cares for the Doctor. Many of them do. Herself included, but some people can't get over the past. Nearl knows she will help in any way she can. She is a knight of Kazimierz! She swore to be the Doctors shield.

"I will help you search, Amiya. On my honour." Nearl says in dedication before turning to the rest of the operators and calling out. "Listen up, everyone!"

All whispered conversations stop, and they turn their eyes to Nearl and Amiya again.

"Has anyone seen Doctor Y/n today or even yesterday?" Nearl calls out in a loud voice so all can hear.

The silence was their answer, making the Leader shake in worry and the Knight concerned.

"I-I saw him yesterday!" A voice yelps when all eyes turn to her.

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon