Broken Too

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Sorry for the slower chapters. Work and not feeling well are starting to slow me down. 

Let us get back to it.


Farsight stormed through the Lungmen streets and back into the slums to the Enclave's base of operation. The closer he got, the angrier he felt at the thought of someone in his custody being mistreated. He was so agitated that the idea of flying back to base never even occurred. 

Storming down the streets caught people's attention. But, regardless of how early it was, plenty of early risers were making their way to work or carrying out errands. So many people pointed and whispered or stared in confusion at the Enclave leader walking down the street with a dark look etched on his face. 

"Heheh... Who are you glowering at?" The voice of Lappland caught him off guard as she came out of an alleyway

"Where in Terra have you been!? I've been looking for you!" Farsight said and had stopped and turned his dark look towards the Lupo in question; Lappland yawned with little concern to his gaze and gave him a lopsided grin.  

Looking over Lapplands shoulder and into the alleyway, he could see a makeshift shelter of cardboard boxes. Coincidence that the boxes had the Penguin Logistics logo stamped on them.

Did she seriously sleep out here?

"Heh, Just looking around, Doctor." 

"Don't call me that!" Farsight frowned at her.

"Pfff can't stop me, Hahaha!" Lappland laughs and looks at him with a smirk as if he had just challenged her.

"Whatever, Lappdance." Farsight sighs and walks past her back towards the base. He would instead be directing his annoyance to someone who deserves it. 

She looks after him in shock, mumbling what he had just said in surprise. "Lapp...what?" 

Farsight doesn't even give Lappland a second glance as he walks away, he may have come out here initially to find her, but clearly, she's fine and doesn't need any support. He barely got to the end of the street he was on before hearing footsteps behind him. 

"Ha! Stop right there; say that again!" Lapplands voice again was heard as she ran ahead and stood before him, putting her hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks, as she grinned up at him with her sharp teeth showing. 

Farsight looked down at her and feigned ignorance. "Hmmm?"


Lappland may be grinning, but he could hear the growl in her throat; her grin was less playful and more bloodthirsty. 

"I said, Lapp-..."


Both Farsight and Lappland turned to see Madam Ch'en standing there glaring at the two of them. Hoshiguma stood slightly to Ch'en left and held her large shield tightly, giving both of them passive looks. 

"Get lost, Hag! He's mine!" Lappland turned to face Ch'en and growled.

"What did you call me!?"

"Hag!" Lappland stuck her tongue at her. 

"Why you Insole-" Ch'en snorted in anger.

"I haven't got time for this!" Farsight rolled his eyes and started walking again. 

"HEY!" Both Lappland and Ch'en shouted after him, but he didn't listen. 

Ch'en stared after Farsight in anger. No time?! Who in Terra did he think he was talking to, acting as if her presence was unimportant to him? 

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandWhere stories live. Discover now