□⁠ Chapter 14

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Blonde hair, blue eyes, porcelain skin, and a dainty figure cladded in rich silk flowing down around the waist. A high slit makes the long-tanned legs play peek-a-boo.

Black tuxedo, Armani watch, Formal shoes, gelled black hair, and spicy cologne.

All of this and add a gala hall with all extravagant dressed men and women.

The perfect recipe for a chapter of the novel.

Not to miss some dancing, a glass of wine or two, and some drama to decorate your plate.

Some stolen kisses for garnishing.

Your plate is ready.

Cliché yet all-time favorite Drama dose is ready.

Vandita scoffed as her brain played Sanjeev Kapoor's voice in her head. Her brain thinks weird things.

All this was no exaggeration but her life with a leafy base and sizzler shot of a fling with a man she wished to smash into the wall. Hard.

If he comes back and tells her that he was Prince and soon to be crowned king of a royal family, she would be believing him. Oh, sure she would. After the long tale of an angry bodyguard following him to half of the world and demanding to see his imaginative college-time sweetheart whom he figuratively bumped and reconciled with, She could believe anything.

She was always tagged to be dramatic, a full-blown drama queen but please god, let her friends meet Neel, they will have to recheck their definition of drama and will have tons of apologies for her.

She was no more a Drama queen, He was. A king, of course.

Uncurling the pins, she finger-combed her curls. The wavy mix of short hair looked better to her.

Smoothening any crease on her mauve pink silk dress she glanced at her herself, the cowl neck with spaghetti traps made her look good. So much to look like an American.

Picking her clutch, strapping her heels, and putting on one last stroke of lipstick she blew herself a kiss.

"Time to go and rule the world, sweetheart." She winked and walked out.

Exiting the gate, she looked around.

"A car will be there to pick you up at sharp 7"

True to his words, a black car waited for her, she walked towards it and smiled at the man who looked at her with a stoic face. His muscle build said he was the infamous bodyguard.

"Ms. Carlos?" He asked her suspiciously.

She nodded with a small smile. "Please call me V or Violet ."

He nodded and opened the door for her.

"The heck, Vandita? You sounded so bad" She chided herself. "This arrangement be better worth it, Neel. Or else I'll have your head."

The car moved smoothly making her rub her arms to curb any sign of goosebumps she could feel. She was nervous, not because she had to meet him, but because of the man infront. His eyes were on constant scrutiny.

Plus, she didn't feel like herself. Not that she had opted for that blonde wig or blue eye lenses, he got delivered for her.

He was going to have a fit seeing her like this, not that she wasn't going to kill him first thing.

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