□ Chapter 44

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The night of Remy's wedding

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The night of Remy's wedding...

Have you seen a beauty beyond worldly standards?

Almost terrifyingly beautiful. That you cannot look away?

She was hooked to his site like a thief is hooked on galleries. The precious artifacts pulled him like a moth uncaring of the repercussions but so in a daze that he could break the strongest security system to sneak it out. To have it in his ownership once.

Her eyes looked at him like an orphan looked at families who walk and play together while he stood at the far end. He desires the same love, care, bond, and protection they offered to those lucky children. Their springs.

Wishing it to be his destiny someday.

Similarly, she wanted him to be her destiny.

For a day if not forever.

Someday if not today.

His charming shy smile, those stormy caramel eyes lured her like a butterfly is enticed by flowers. His structured face could put the artist to shame, that tongue which was sharp and extinguished her thoughts yet awakened unworldly sensations in her soul, and his fingers. Damn, that combination of bones, mass, and skin could paint her with colors so bright. Colors of pleasure and satisfaction.

She had wanted him only for her.

The most beautiful being she had laid eyes on.

"Will you keep staring at me?" He asked gazing at the blanket of hues holding the sun back from peeping at them, although failing to hide the little rays that sneaked out of its hold and brightened as if grinning mischievously towards them.

"What if I say Yes?" She asked, not deterring from her staring session.

She wanted to engrave his face in her brain never to forget.

"Then I shall charge you for every minute you spend looking at me." He turned towards her, tapping her nose playfully "Staring me could be very expensive, my love. You would be on streets left with nothing if you do not quite soon."

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