Chapter 61

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The phone rang, its shrill ringing echoing loudly through the small room since there was no activity to muffle it. Barley seconds after the ringing began, it was ceased in it's untuneful melody.


"Are they compromised?" No greetings, no small talk. It was irrelevant and useless.

"I believe so. They met with the dagger a few weeks ago. Am now pretty sure they have released their identities based on the lack of action on both ends."

"Was this information not major enough to inform us sooner? The timings could have helped us prevent a rather unfortunate situation."

"I was not 100% sure on the validity of the information."

"Any information would have been helpful!" The anger in the voice came out subdued through the phone speaker, but was intimidating nevertheless.

It made them sit up straight, the voice evoking subconscious actions.

Pressing the phone closer to their ear, they began, "Has something happened?"

"The dagger has left. We have also lost contact with the blade."

"I told you we couldn't trust him, either of them."

"That's not all." There was a fat pause that told them the next news would be the worst. "The falcon's gone missing."

Their heart stopped. "With them?"

"We don't know."

That's good, there was still a chance the falcon was on their side. "Anything else to report?"

His voice was weary. "All information, almost everything in all of the databases, all our paper copies as well." That was not good. "Anyway, give me some good news."

"Well, honcho over here seems to think the dagger is still in the belt's possession and has conducted many stakeouts to the primary location, all of them coming back negative."

"Good. And the feathers?"

"Doing nothing now. Have they been reporting back?"

"Just one. We still have some loyalty though it no longer extends as far as it should. Can I count on you to sort this out."

The smile was one of deadly pleasure. "I would love to."

"Don't blow your cover. Even with the green feather still attached to the wing their commitment to the cause has been wavering. We need you to be the primary, to lead and help me finish this. Your our best agent for your category."

"Joint-best. But now that they're gone I'm number one now."

"You are. Don't disappoint me, Hunter."

With that the call ended. They sighed, running a hand through their already messy hair. Throwing the phone into the secret compartment under the bed, they lied down, listening to the commotion on the other side of the door. When they heard the familiar sound of a traitorous silver-haired girl, they cracked their knuckled in a sick anticipation when thinking about her best friend. She was the cause of all their problems. If the falcon was with her then there would be hell to pay.

"Watch out girly, I'm going to make you regret the day you decided to double-cross the double-agent, and I see everything." 

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]Where stories live. Discover now