6: Friendship

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"It's just, perfect. Your aesthetic is perfect." Ochako stated, ending the argument as she glanced at a flustered Izuku. She took a sip out of her cold drink, waiting for the other's reply. 

"But- The clothes I wear are basic and there's nothing special about them." He repeated, looking down to his beige knitted sweater. Something he had received from his mother, a few years prior for Christmas. 

"Yeah, but it suits you. You are kinda boring." Katsuki chuckled, stirring his own drink around with his straw. His smile widened to the sight of a grumpy expression taking place on a freckled face. 

"That's mean." Izuku pouted, leaning back in his chair as he took a drink of his passionfruit-flavored drink. 

"Yeah, Kats, don't be mean to the little Christian boy." Ochako teased, earning a bigger frown from Midoriya. Although he thought telling his two closest friends about his religion was a risky thing to do, he never expected the two to joke about it in such a harsh manner. 

"Can you guys take this seriously, please?" He whined, looking down to his knees. He waited until both of his friends were done cackling, eventually calming down and returning to the conversation. 

"Izuku, come on. We're just teasing. You know your religion isn't going to change anything between us. You're still you. It's like telling us you're transgender or something, y'know? Whatever you want to tell us, we won't judge. Just joke and tease, but in a friendly way." The brunette laughed, grabbing a freckled hand into hers. Both her and Bakugou watched as a nervous smile appeared on Izuku's lips, leading to change the conversation's topic. "Anyways, I have some good ass tea. If anyone wants to hear." 

"Spill." Bakugou shrugged, leaning back in his seat as he propped his legs on another chair. He sipped on his straw, the sunlight making his black pants warm up to a pleasant degree. 

"Okay, well, y'know how Tenya and I went to Chet's party the other night, and were one of the last ones to leave?" The brunette spoke, earning nods from her friends. "Well, we hooked up. And he was surprisingly good! Like, I'm still shocked. I never orgasmed twice in a row like that before. Absolutely amazing. And, once you get to know the guy, he's super cool. I'm thinking about dating him." She stated proudly, waving her cup around.

"Damn, you really are a hoe." Katsuki snickered, earning a glare from the young woman. 

"Oh, shut up. As if you've never slept with a good guy before, and considered dating him afterwards." She rolled her eyes, earning a wide smile from the blonde. 

"As a matter of fact, I haven't. I've only ever slept with my ex, fuck's sake. And he wasn't even that good." Bakugou laughed, emptying his cup with one last sip. He looked over to his left, where a gust of wind blew green curls away from Izuku's face. "What about you, Izu? You a virgin? Isn't sleeping with someone before marriage a sin, or something?" The blonde asked, his heart beat skipping as emerald glued themselves to him. 

"Ah, yeah, it is. I've never really been lustful in any way before." Izuku sheepishly smiled, feeling himself heat up under his friends' glares.

"Lustful? Like, anything sex-related?" Ochako questioned, trying her best to adapt to her best friend's habits. She wanted to know as much as she could about Izuku, which included the rules of his religion. After she received a nod from the greenette, she immediately replied with a question she couldn't hold back. "Does masturbating count?" 

"Damn, hoe, chill." Katsuki chuckled nervously, caught off guard by how Ochako was suddenly being straight-forward and personal. 

"What? I'm curious." She argued, glaring at the blonde before looking back at her buddy. 

"I've never done that either, no. I mean, my body has given me sexual impulses, and my mom told me to ignore them until marriage. The only reason why I know about how... sex works, is because my friends from Tokyo used to talk about it a lot. In detail. Until I told them it was against my religion and all." Izuku explained, lowering his voice at certain terms, as he wasn't used to talking about such things aloud. 

"Damn, freckles." Bakugou spoke, poking his braces with his straw. "Sounds like you've never experienced life." 

"Yeah- Can't you get blue balls or something? Like, doesn't that shit hurt?" Uraraka questioned, shocked by her friend's reply. She watched as an uncomfortable smile crept onto freckled features. 

"I dunno, it doesn't hurt that bad. Whenever I get an... Well, y'know, an erection, it does hurt a little and it's sensitive. But nothing too bad." The small male admitted.

"Maybe you should, y'know- Find a solution. Somehow ejaculate without any sexual pleasure or something, y'know. Like, to eliminate possible blue balls." Ochako suggested, unsure what to say. 

"Uhm, can we- Change the subject?" Izuku eventually shot, too flustered to reply to any more similar questions. He watched as his friends exchanged quick glares, before standing up from the metal chairs. It was sunny and nice out, so sitting outside of a coffee shop all day was nothing but a waste. 

"We can go down to the playground next to the school, if you'd like. On school hours, only the kids are allowed. Y'know, kindergartens up to eighth graders. But during the weekends, anybody's allowed to go." Ochako offered, pointing down the street where their school was situated. 

"Sure, I haven't been in a playground since forever." Izuku giggled, joining his brown-haired friend on her right side. 

As both friends chattered, walking down the long street, Katsuki stayed a few feet behind. Red eyes glued to Midoriya's back, then going up to his bouncing curls as he couldn't help but blush. He had to admit it, seeing Izuku so close to Ochako was making him a little jealous. Especially since the greenette seemed bothered by Uraraka's crush on Tenya. Could it be that the freckled male has a romantic interest in the brunette? 

Bakugou grumbled, looking down to his feet as he felt a bit left out. 
Ever since he had met Midoriya, he had fallen in love with how nice and nerdy the male was. Izuku was a little boring, sure. But he was cute, nice, social, constantly happy and had an attractive figure. It wasn't very noticeable due to Izuku's baggy shirts, but Katsuki had been lucky enough to see the greenette in a tight shirt once, revealing Midoriya's slender waist. Izuku had more curves than most of the girls Bakugou knew. He had the body of a twink, as some would call it. 

But, then, Bakugou had only met Izuku a few weeks ago. His interest in his was still new, and he didn't want to make the religious boy uncomfortable whatsoever. So, all he had to do, was ride it out. 

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