25: Seven Simple Words

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"Deku, we'll be late. Zip up." The blonde muttered, letting his hand rest on the door handle. He glanced over at Midoriya, who hurried to zip up his coat since it was winter; almost Christmas time. After almost a year of dating, Bakugou and Izuku finally had a Christmas to spend together as a couple, which is why they had decided to hold their family reunion a few days before the holiday. 

"Okay, I'm ready." The greenette eventually spoke, walking out the door with his partner. He got into Katsuki's car, admiring himself in the mirror a little to make sure none of his curls were out of place, especially since he had gotten a new haircut in November. He thought Katsuki would have liked seeing him with an undercut, but the new hairstyle made him look too adult for his taste. After all, he was only eighteen and a half.

"You look fine, stop worrying. Everything's gonna go great." Bakugou reassured, clearly noticing how his boyfriend kept fixing his clothes and making sure his hair looked fine. 

"I... I'm just not used to see our two families together. I mean, I know they've met before. But- It got chaotic last time. Remember? My mom started calling your parents names because they swore too much." Izuku winced at the memory, when their families had merged at their housewarming party, not long after they moved in together.

"Heh, that was their first time meeting, it was bound to turn out a bit rough. This time, they know what to expect. And if they're not mature about things, I'll fuckin' lose it." Bakugou grumbled, shaking his head as he made his way down a different street. Izuku shrugged, looking down to the skinny jeans he had on. 

"I hope they're more mature about this, yeah." He nodded. Katsuki smiled, giving a quick glance over to pretty freckles, stuffing his left hand in his pants' front pocket. He fiddled with the small, soft box, smiling to himself to the thought of dropping down on one knee. He had planned this, perfectly. Proposing to Midoriya in front of both families, after asking Inko and Hisashi for their blessing. Of course, Hisashi immediately gave in, for he liked the blonde a lot and thought he was a perfect match for his son. Inko, on the other hand, hesitated for about a month, so she could think. Though, she did give Bakugou her blessing, as long as he promised to wait until they were married to have anything sexual together, and to act like mature adults. 

Everything was going to be perfect, it just had to be. 

"Let me help you with the dishes, Mitsuki." Izuku smiled wide, standing up from his seat as he helped the blonde woman gather the empty plates from the table. 

"Oh, no! No need, sweetheart. Go ahead and sit, chat with the others, I'm alright on my own." The woman blurted out, snatching the dirty dishes from Izuku's hands so she could set them in the dishwasher.

"Uhm, are you sure? It's not much to do, I'd be more than happy to give you a hand." Midoriya spoke, watching the older woman shake her head. 

"Like you said, there's nothing much to do. Don't worry about it." She chuckled. Izuku smiled softly, feeling his boyfriend's hand rest on his shoulder, followed by a peck on the side of his jaw. Of course, Izuku turned his head, giving Katsuki a proper kiss before heading off to the living room, where his parents and sister were talking with Masaru. The greenette hurried to take a seat as his partner immediately engaged in a conversation with Izumo, talking about anything and everything all at once. To be honest, it bothered Izuku a little bit. Ever since they had arrived at Mitsuki and Masaru's home, the blonde had seemed to avoid any kind of conversation with Midoriya. Then again, it made sense; the taller teen was far too busy conversing with the others. 

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