18: Blocked and Ignored

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"You still haven't heard from him either?" Ochako questioned, looking over to sad crimson eyes which were focused on his phone screen. 

"He blocked me." The blonde muttered for the hundredth time that day. Millionth time that week. He hadn't heard from Izuku ever since he had sent the messages. Had he gone overboard, with the I Love Yous? 

A sad frown took place on Ochako's features as she examined Katsuki's painful expression. It was clear the blonde was hurting, hurting pretty bad. He had been blocked by the boy he had fell for. How could Izuku do this to them? Only a week before spring break, and the greenette had gone missing. He read each and every one of Uraraka's messages, with no reply. As for the others, they had all been blocked. However, this took a toll on Katsuki, as the blonde hadn't slept properly nor eaten in the past week. 

"Do you think... Maybe he didn't like me as much, after we kissed?" The blonde spoke, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip as he stared at Izuku's locked profile. "Maybe it's because we avoided each other. Maybe he's mad at me for not clearing things up sooner." He spoke, his heart aching to the thought of the greenette he loved. 

"Kats, don't worry 'bout him. He's a dick, that's all." Uraraka muttered, picking at her meal. She couldn't help but take Bakugou's side, since they had been friends for a very long time. As for Izuku, she had only known him for a few months. Taking the greenette's side would look bad. Though, she did have hope that Izuku had a good reason for ignoring them, and blocking most of the friend group. 

The blonde sighed, a lump in his throat suddenly forming. He had cried so much in the past week, he felt like he didn't have any more tears left. Yet, they still managed to appear at the corner of his eyes as he viewed the last messages he had sent the greenette. 

"Maybe he just doesn't want to see me at all, anymore."

"What'd you do wrong?" 

Izuku flinched to the sound of his sister's voice, coming from the doorway. He rolled over in his bed, facing her. 

"What makes you think I did something wrong?" He spat, a hint of attitude in his voice. An amused smile planted itself on Izumo's face as she took a seat by her younger brother's bed. 

"Because you're here early. Spring break is next week, you were supposed to visit next week. Doofus. What did you do, get on mom's nerves?" She questioned, picking at a bowl of chips she had brought in with her. Izuku frowned, huffing as he sat up straight against his pillow, bringing his knees up to his chest. 

"I don't know where to start." He whined, looking down as brows furrowed in frustration. "I just... Did a lot of bad things, that's all." He muttered, earning an excited glance from his older sister. 

"Ooh, ooh! Did you smoke pot?" She cheered, earning a confused glare from Midoriya. 

"Wha- No! Well... Not pot." He shrugged. "I don't wanna talk about it. Is dad home, yet?" He questioned, trying his best to change the subject. A long silence roamed as his sister seemed to examine him closely; squinting, humming, staring at him with raised brows. 

"You have a special lady, don't you?" She questioned with confidence, leaning forward towards the greenette. Izuku flushed red, looking down to the box of chocolates he had been holding close to his chest for the past two hours. 

"No, I don't." He spoke. 

"What? But you... I don't know, there's something different about you. I thought for sure you had found someone you liked." She stated, sitting back in amazement. 

"I did." He muttered. 

"You did-? But- I just-" Izumo blurted in confusion. She waited for a moment, seeing a sad expression take place on freckled features.

"It's not a lady. It's a mister." Izuku weakly smiled, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. "And... We kissed. And it was great- But now I'm sure I've ruined everything with him. I avoided him for an entire week after we kissed because I had no... Fucking balls." He sobbed, catching his sister completely off guard with the confession, as well as the swear word he had used.

"A guy? Did you guys... Y'know..." Izumo trailed off, watching as her brother shook his head an wiped his tears. Though their mother was a complete narc when it came to their religion, Izumo and their father didn't really care about it. They simply went along with whatever Inko would say, and live their lives that way. Izuku was the first one to rebel and stand up to her about it. 

"What's going on in here?" 

A sudden deep voice made Izuku jolt, looking towards his bedroom door where the curly-haired man was standing. His father, Hisashi. 

"Hey, dad." He sniffled. A worried look was immediately given towards Izuku as the man sat down next to him. 

"What's wrong?" His father questioned, rubbing circles on Izuku's back. The teen scoffed, shaking his head with a smile. 

"Nothing." He replied with a cackle. Although he wanted to keep it between him and his sister, Izumo had different plans. 

"Izuku's seeing a guy from Hosu and mom kicked him out for it." She immediately imposed, fixing her glasses with a smile. Midoriya frowned, a blush overtaking his freckled cheeks. He felt like everybody knew, by now. 

"Is this true, Izuku?" Hisashi questioned, looking over to his son. Izuku shrugged, nodding softly. He knew his dad wasn't as much of a nag as his mother, so there should be no harm in telling him about Katsuki. But then again... Maybe there's nothing to tell about. Katsuki will surely be pissed off once Midoriya returns, after ghosting everybody for two weeks. Tears appeared in emerald eyes as he received a gentle pat in the back. "And, you truly love this boy?" Hisashi continued. 

A weak smile took place on fair features to the thought of the handsome blonde. Bakugou was perfect in so many ways, and despite not having spoken to him in nearly a week, he really loved Katsuki. Which is probably the reason why he's been sleeping with an empty heart-shaped box for the past week, hoping it would somehow make Katsuki feel closer to him. 

"Well, I don't see the problem, then. As long as you love the partner you're with, then I don't see the problem." His father said.

"Mom didn't think so." The greenette mumbled, fiddling with a strand of his curly hair. "She took out some bible verses while scolding me for seeing him. She said homosexuality is a sin." 

"Just give your mother some time. She's like this, she'll need some time alone to process things. I'm sure when you return, Friday, she'll be all better and will have calmed down." The man shrugged. Izuku nodded, feeling his father stand up from the bed and walk out the room. Izumo followed, deciding to give her brother some space after seeing how emotional he was. Friday. Only seven days left, and he'll return home. Then, he'll have to face his mother for an entire weekend, before going to school on Monday and facing the friends he had been ignoring

"I hope he won't be mad." He sniffled, reaching out to the empty chocolate box.

Why couldn't his mother be as chill as Izumo, and his father?

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