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For the remaining time until the baseball game, you an Emilio watched TV an ate snacks.
From time to time, you'd catch him staring at you and he'd smile.

"More popcorn?" he asked and you looked to the side with a scowl.

Why is he so pretty.. no man should be that attractive..

A notification gleamed on your phone and you jumped up at the time.

"Shit!! It's almost time!" you grabbed your purse as Emilio grabbed the keys.
You both rushed out the house and paused awkwardly as you both stood infront of the driver side door.
"I'll drive" you reached for the keys and he snatched them above your head as he wagged his finger with a smile.
"No ma'am, go ahead and get in the passenger seat"
You were flabbergasted, "What?! It's my car!"
"But I have the keys"
"Emilio!!" you jumped for the keys as he moved his hands away.
You rolled your eyes and opened the passenger door.

"God I hate you"


The air was humid and the sky was dark. Stadium lights beaned down on everyone as bugs flew annoyingly in the faces of fans.
There was a long line at the ticket booth as people waited to get into the stands. Emilio managed to cut you both to the front and winked as he bought you a ticket.
Your face heated as you snatched it away and he laughed. The match was starting soon, so you grabbed Emilio's hand as you searched for the perfect spot.

As you walked along the fence of the field, you heard your name being called. You turned quickly and saw Kenny dressed in uniform.
His hair was out of his face which was rare. You ended up looking him up and down surprised. He looked more mature somehow in his belt and button up jersey.
He ran up to the fence but his smiled faded once he saw Emilio.

"What's he doing here?" Kenny asked and Emilio placed his hand on Kenny helmet with a tease.
"Did you forget I'm her boyfriend? I can't wait to see you play kiddo!"
"Kiddo!?" Kenny gritted his teeth as he gripped his bat and you pushed Emilio out the way.
"Don't mind him Kenny.. I'm glad I made it! Whos team is batting first?"
He sighed and tilted his baseball cap, "The opposing team"

Kenny's eyes moved slowly as he scanned the stands.

"Hey.. I've been practicing my swing. Even my fastball has improved. You should sit where you can see it well" he smiled and you nodded.
"Sure! Good luck! I hope you win"
Kenny winked at you as he began to walk away, "I'll win just for you"

You felt your heart skip a beat.

Geez Kenny..

"Come on! Let's buy peanuts! We can sing that ball game song!" Emilio smiled and you felt one forming on your face as he took your hand.
"Sounds fun.."


You an Emilio sat in the stands that were left of the home plate. You could see the pitcher and batter perfectly as the score began to go up more and more.
As of right now, the home side was winning, which was Kenny's team.

"So the underclassman.. is he any good?" Emilio asked as he munched on snacks.
You were stunned, "Is he good?! He's on the varsity team at such a young age and plays for the city. They were the all time champs last year with him! A born prodigy.." you smiled looking at Kenny pitch, "He's never had a foul ball in his life! There's no telling how many miles per hour his fastball goes! He could really go pro.."

You trailed off an Emilio tapped your hand.
He had a weird look on his face as he set his food down.

"I use to play sports.."
"Really?" you asked surprised and he nodded.

There was a crack of a bat which made the crowd go wild. Kenny's ball flew passed the stadium and everyone cheered as he ran a home run. You stood up and began to cheer as Emilio did the same.
He sprinted the home plate, which only made his team score go up more.
Kenny spotted you jumping and smiled with a wave.

You could feel your stomach flutter which made you confused.

He just seemed so different on the field.

The teams traded again and continued on with the game. Time went on and the score was reaching to a tie. Kenny's team was up to bat again.

Emilio sat back and watched while you were on the edge of your seat. You glanced back at him and realized he was out of it.

"You alright?" you asked and he grinned.
"Worried about me? Oh how sweet.."
You ignored his remark, "What are you thinking about?"
"Rich people things.. you wouldn't understand"
"You ass!" you shouted and looked back at the game.

Kenny stepped up to the plate with his bat in hand. The referees began to go wild. You stood up and ran to the fence as you began to record him.
You shouted his name and he smiled when he saw you. Emilio came up from behind and put his hands on your hips.

"Emilio!" You blushed still holding the phone as he kissed your neck.
"This is what pretend couples do right?" he whispered in your ear and you laughed as you tried to push him away.
"Emilio stop! You're embarrassing me!" you looked back up and Kenny was grimacing with a glare of anger.

Emilio mistakenly made you drop your phone on the other side of the fence.
"Fuck.." you muttered and Emilio began to climb the fence, "Stop you'll get in trouble! Or hurt!"
"I'll be fine.. let me grab your phone.." Emilio mumbled as he climbed the metal gate.

You heard the crowd begin to get loud again as the referee mentioned the pitcher.
You tried to pull Emilio back down until you heard the crack of the bat. Suddenly there was a thud and gasps grew from the crowd as you opened your eyes.

The first thing you saw was the bloody ball beside Emilio's hand before you looked at his head. He was knocked out cold as blood streamed down his face from behind his hair.
Your head shot to Kenny, who had pitched the foul ball and was now wearing a face which was riddened with guilt and regret.



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