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It happened so fast, you hardly had a chance to blink. All the loudness around you had seemed to blur, as you looked down at Emilio's bleeding head.

Medics pushed passed you and ringing formed in your ears as you were left shocked.

"Emilio?" you muttered as you bumped shoulders with another medic.
You pushed passed the men and women dressed in green, "Move! Wait, wait! Emilio!"

Your fingers wrapped around the sides of his jaw as you lifted his head. His eyes were shut as blood dripped down his eyelid. You could feel the lump in your throat as you looked at your pretend boyfriend.

"I didn't mean to.."

You all turned as Kenny came up to the fence.
He gulped, "I didn't mean to hit the guy! I don't know what happened! I never curve a foul ball"
One of the medics stepped up and put his hand on Kenny's shoulder, "It's okay son. It happens to the best of us, we know you didn't do it on purpose"

But you thought otherwise.

Kenny looked at you with a saddened expression as you glared with hot tears.

Damn it!

You looked away with gritted teeth as an ambulance's sirens could be heard.

I have no reason to think he did it on purpose. He's just a kid.

Two medics hoisted Emilio on a stretcher and you followed as they rolled him to the ambulance. You stayed by his side all the way to the hospital.
Worry settled deeper as the dark haired male still didn't wake up.
You began to shake and sweat with nervousness as you held his limp hand.

One of the medics began to ask you questions.

"Do you know his name?"
"Emilio Emilio"
He gave you a puzzled look.
You snapped, "Did you not here me?! His name is Emilio Emilio!!"
"Damn it.." you trailed off as you checked his pants for his wallet.

When you opened it, a bunch of money was inside, but you ignored it. Instead you found his ID that had all his information.

Emilio Emilio
175 Ibs
Brown hair, Brown eyes.
Date of birth.. February 29th?! Leap year??

"He was born on the 29th of February" you stated, and again, the medic looked at you funny.

He didn't ask you anymore questions.
Finally, you pulled into the emergency room before rushing in with the other medics.
You tried to follow them but a woman stopped you.

"Family only" she stated placing her hand on you and you slapped it away.
"I am his family!!! I'm his girlfriend!"
"That's not family.. do you know his mothers number?" she stated calmly an it took everything in you not to curse her out right there.
"He's an orphan"

Her eyes widened and she let you through the back doors without another word.

Although you were allowed to go in the back with him, there wasn't much you could do but wait. You sat in a chair, bouncing your leg with anxiety.
So many thoughts crossed your mind.
You knew he'd be fine but..

Why do I feel so regretful right now?

You sighed.

Perhaps it's because I should've spent more money?

You knew that wasn't the truth.
He wasn't exactly a spectacular guy.

You started thinking about his stupid smile. How you would always catch him staring at you, and how he was a borderline stalker.

Despite that pretty face, and the money, and that stupidly, sweet personality..

God!! I miss him.. I can't possibly?

"No.." you muttered placing your face in your palms, "I can't possibly like him?"

You bit your lip agitated.

"Although I did get really jealous.."

There's no way I can actually be in love with him? No.. he's just nice to me, that's all.

"But earlier.. he said he was mine" you trailed off as you talked to yourself and waited.

The only thing you could do, was be patient.


You jumped out your sleep and looked around. You rubbed your eyes as you stretched.

"Damn it.. did I fall asleep?" you mumbled before remembering why you were in the hospital. You hopped up and ran to the front desk and she gave you the room number with no hesitation.

You practically bolted down the hall and to his room, where a doctor was already talking to him inside.
Your eyes landed on the smiling Emilio and he waved. He had a bandage in the spot he was hit and he was hooked up to IVs.

Again you felt guilt.

The doctor cleared his throat and motioned you over.

"You must be his girlfriend. Mr. Emilio is fine. He has a concussion and was knocked out from the impact, but luckily there's no lasting damage. We've checked his memory an all, and everything clears out" the old man smiled at you, "He's lucky. A hit to a speeding baseball could have been a lot worse. I prescribed pain medication, he'll be fine. A nice, hardworking young man he is. Be safe both of you"

The doctor left the room and you rushingly hugged Emilio.

"I was so worried!" you admitted and he laughed.
"Don't be! I'm fine as usual.. as long as you're by my side that is~" he flirted and you rolled your eyes.
"Stop the pretend act Emilio! This isn't the time.. you could have lost your memory, or even worse, brain damage could have been done!"
He ignored your worry as he cocked his head, "Pretend?"
"Yeah? Don't play dumb Emilio! Our pretend relationship!" you responded with attitude and he was genuinely confused.

"What do you mean pretend?"


Playing pretend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora