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"Why did you leave lunch to go see that underclassman that hit me with the baseball?"


"Pfft.. what?" you let out confused. Your hands were gripped onto Emilios uniform as his eyes laid narrow on you.
"You're laughing?" he questioned upset.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you getting so upset all of a sudden?" you kissed his lips but he didn't kiss back.
He stood still with a frown, "I followed you and saw you talking with him"
"You followed me??" you took a step back annoyed, "You know, this isn't the first time you've followed me Emilio.. Don't you think that's creepy~?"

You raised your hand to touch his face and he gripped your wrist.

"Just answer the question!! Why'd you sneak off like that?!" he shouted and you were taken back.
"Don't fucking yell at me! Are you seriously getting mad? I was just talking to him about something"
He gritted his teeth and took a step forward, "Watch who you're cussing at!! What were you talking to him about?"
"I was just.."
"Yeah?!" he cut you off with attitude as you tried to think.

The tension in the room was suffocating. It was the first heated argument of your relationship. He was being to boil your blood as he progressed with more aggression.

"Well what is it?!" he shouted again, "Are you cheating on me with the guy who almost killed me?!"
"What?! Emilio no!" you began to feel hurt, "I was just checking on him.."
"Why were you checking on me?" he lowered his tone but he was still annoyed.

Your voice has softened as your heart ached. Emilio was usually so nice.. so seeing him angry was really striking. You balled your fist and bit your lip. You couldn't believe him; it really did hurt your feelings.
He tilted your chin so that you were looking into his eyes.

"What's taking you so long? Thinking of a lie?" he asked and your face grew disgusted with a scowl.
"I was checking up on him because he felt guilty after the accident"

Emilio was surprised at your statement and let go of you. He looked around and realized his wrong doing. His eyes landed on your frowning face, and  immediately he reached for your hand.

"I'm sorry.. I-I don't know what came over me. I don't usually get so jealous" he began to say in a frenzy.
You looked away, "It's fine.."
"No!" He made you look at him, "I shouldn't have interrogated you. Please forgive me.."
"I said it's fine Emilio.. you were right to be suspicious" you sighed and he got on his knees which made you panic, "N-No Emilio! You don't have to.."
He began to beg, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have shouted at you. I'm so sorry.."
"It's okay.." you began to feel guilty yourself.

Emilio was begging for forgiveness but.. you had lied just like he said you would.
Kenny didn't feel guilty, and it wasn't an accident.

Damn it..

Emilio suddenly shot up with a smile, "Let's go prom dress shopping!! Right now!"

He took your hand and dragged you out the closet.

"Emilio wait!"
He pulled you down the hall with a smile. He looked back at you which made your eyes widen. "It's okay! I'll make it up to you alright? We'll buy the prettiest dress for you!"
"Stop.." you muttered and you both paused.
"What is it?" his smiled faded, "I said I was sorry.. I'll make it up to you.."

The halls felt like they were closing in.
The sun rays beamed through the windows as it set. Being on the third floor, you could see the schools front gates.

Emilio awaited infront of these windows for a response.

He really did look like a God as the colorful blaze rested on him..

"I should be the one apologizing.." you spoke softly and looked up.

Your heart dropped as his expression changed drastically. His desperate, innocent eyes had left, narrowing and looking at you numbly.

"Why is that?" he replied coldly with a dead expression.

You had gotten goosebumps.
How would Emilio react if you told him the truth about the accident? No matter how you wrapped your head around it, you were in the wrong.

You began to shake and Emilio came up to you and lifted your chin. He placed his hands on your sides and gave you his iconic smile.

"It's okay.. you can tell me anything. I'm your boyfriend after all"
You gulped, "Emilio you were right to be suspicious but I didn't cheat or anything! It's just.. Kenny told me he did it on purpose.."
Emilio gave you a confused look, "He did it on purpose?"
You nodded looking up at him and he didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry I lied and didn't tell you. I went to check on him because I could never hate Kenny.."

Emilios eye's made contact with yours again. He didn't have a response; instead, he took your hand in his and continued walking down the hall.

"Let's go get that dress"


You sat in the changing room unsure of what to do about the situation. You had tried on a few dresses but they weren't the right one.
Emilio decided to try and find one for you, so you sat alone as you waited.

I shouldn't have told him.. but I couldn't have let him think he was at fault.

You covered your face with your palms.

He was so different upset. It was intimidating.. I never want to argue like that again. I like nice Emilio.

The curtain swung open and he had a magenta dress in his hand.

"I found this one" he smiled and you took it in your hand. Emilio didn't leave the changing room this time. Instead, he watched you change into the dress he picked out.

You looked in the mirror when you were done.
It was a two piece dress. The top was a spaghetti strap with rhinestones and the bottom had a band of the same pattern.
It went down your legs like silk and had a slit.
You loved it. It was beautiful and described you perfectly.

"I love it.." you let out awed.

Emilio was also in a trance.

He hugged you from behind, "Me too.."
"I'm sorry Emilio.." you muttered and he kissed your neck.
"I'm sorry too. We can talk about it later but.. let's not argue again, okay?"

You smiled to yourself, "Alright"


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