Can I Go Home Yet?

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"Hey Ebony, dear, will you go run to the store and get daddy some milk?" My father called to me from the kitchen. I start laughing and put down the vaccume cleaner, "Oh dad, you don't gotta tell me you need milk like a five year old!" He laughed and peaked his head out of the kitchen. His blond, curly hair bouncing and his bright blue eyes shineing. I knew I was his pride and joy but really, he's so handsom it's almost a curse. High cheek bones, purfect lips, eyes as deep as the ocean and the brains of a scientist. Ever girl that wanted money's dream.

Don't ask me how he fell in love with my late mother, she died of cancer a couple years ago. She had dark brown hair, pretty little pink lips, cheek bones at the just right position to give her the little girl look, dark brown eyes and slightly crooked teeth. She had an odd looking nose but it was pretty to us. Did I mention that her hair looked like froofed out doggy ears?

Well I was blessed with her hair, her nose dads cheek bones, her lips, and brightgold eyes. I'm not the best looker. I've never dated anyone, though I have been asked out by some guys, I've rejected them all. They all asked me out because I got some money.

"Hello, earth to my bunny?" Dad was getting ready to toss a whisk at me when I blinked and looked up. "Right, I'm on it, be back in a couple minutes!" Grabbing my school bag and some money off the cofee table, i head out the door. Crossing the park, I start skipping and waveing to all the old folks playing checker and some of my friends from school.

When I get to the store across the park, I notice a few of my friends laughing and goofing off, figureing I'de just talk to them for a while I walk over. "Hey guys, nice day huh?" Lacey looks up and basically tackles me in a hug. "BUNNY BUN!" She screams, shakeing me back and forth, "Good day to you to." I get dizzy and my friend Alex comes to the rescue. "Hey now, I think you're killing Ebony!" Alex has been my best friend since we were three. She helped me through the times of my mom getting sick, through the funeral, and just being there for me when ever she could.

"You out getting dad some cooking materials?" She says messing up my hair, "Yea, he needs some milk for his latest disaster." We all laugh and I wave as I walk through the slideing, glass doors. "Hey Ebony!" The clerk calls, I wave and make my way back to the milk.

Expired. Expired. Almost expired. Ha, one that expires next week! Grabbing the good milk I walk on over to the magazines and look through a few of them. Someone dies in a soap, this person tried drugs and are now facing a finacial breakdown, this one just had a kid. Oh look, someone just got married and devorced in the same month! Facinating! NOT, like I wanna know all about the problems of famouse people so I can serectly laugh behind their backs!

Slamming down the magazines, I continue to the check-out. "Lovely day we're having, Bunny." I smile up at Mr. Chromaza, -weird name, right?- and reply, "Suppose to be 70F today, amazing, huh?" He smiled broadly in his old man type of way. "Good day to be out in the garden pickin' the veggies! A wonderful day for kids like you to be outside playing, not laying around getting fat on a couch! Why in my day, no kid ever layed on a couch and watched TV, we went out and did things! We collected sody pop N' sold 'dem bottles off to a grociery clerk!"

I laugh at the old man, he's going to turn 69 this month. I've always thrown a big party for him, always, for as long as I could remember. Started out with bringing him flowers, then a cake when I could earn money, then soon I was having the whole town comming to the park for him. Everyone loved him! He had no family, so I became his granddaughter, my father his son. He came over every once in a while to talk if he got lonely -He always is- Truth be told, I say he'd of already died from loneliness if I hadn't come along.

"That'll be 1.95 hun." I hand him the money and wave to him as I walk out of the store. "Ebony! what did you get while you were in there for your dads latest disaster!" Lacey squeals, tackleing me again, nearly busting the milk. "Aye, watch the milk!"

"Awwwe, that's all you got?"


"Any candy for me?"



"Because I wasn't thinking of you at the momment."

"You're so mean Ebony!"

"Want three bucks?"


"Here, knock yourself out." We all laugh and I start across the park. I feel like I'm being watched and I walk a little faster. Soon I can hear boots thunking right behind me. Spinning around I see a man in a black skiing mask and I scream, spin back around n run as fast as I could. A big black van pulls swirving across the grass and I turn to the side. Suddenly someone's comming straight at me and I turn to the right, I'm grabbed from behind and I start kicking and screaming, "Shut up and we won't hurt you!"

I screamed bloody murder and started kicking and hitting more, "Grab her legs!" soon my legs were bent at the knee n they were wrapped around a slightly squishy chest. "HELP, HELP, SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP!" What came out of my throught was a strangled, scared senseless, gasp, squeal, a sound that could raise the dead. "I told you shut up!", the voice was young, dark, but young. The grip around my waste got tighter and I gasped for air. He was strong, no getting out of that.

"Daddy!" That was yet again a blood curtling squeal. I heard rusty doors squeak and I was throughn into the back of a stinky van. "No, you can't do this!" I wailed, lunging at the back doors. They slammed and my hand was crushed in the door. I screamed, crying, streaks of tears falling down my face onto the ground.

"Why?! Why me, oh dear god why!" I had pulled back my hand and was rocking back and forth on the cold, dirty, metal floor. Crying, pleading for help, that this was all just a bad dream. "You all wanna stop at Micky D's before we get to the place?" It was that voice, there was two other sures, but I had blacked out before I could pick up their voice.

Kidnapped at 14... Can I Go Home Yet?Where stories live. Discover now