The Farm house.

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I wake up by hitting my head off the door handle, bolting back up I start rubbing my head, "Oww, that kinda hurt." Again the relization of what had happened the other day comes back and I scream. "Are you serious!" The guy yelled, putting his hands over his ears. His ears, he's taken off his mask!

I stare him down. High cheek bones, messy black hair, bright green eyes, pale pink lips, lightly tan skin, giveing it the 'I was just kissed lightly by the sun' and a tattoo on his neck. It was swirling and a dark blue. It was like a big puff of blue smoke.

I reached over to touch it, he looked like he was going to go back to sleep any momment, and found my hands were undone. When I touched it he was nice and warm. He twitched and turned his head to face me. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm feeling you up, what's it look like I'm doing? I'm just feeling your tattoo! Calm yourself." He stared at me for a few seconds and said, "Your hands are really cold."

"Well ya, I'm going to be scarred for life. I mean honnestly, What the Fug were yall thinking!"


"You know what!," I drew back and put my hands on my lap, "I still hate you, so hand me my tea, I'm thirsty." He laughed and handed me a half empty sweet tea, "What the heck is this! It's half empty?!" The guy shrugged, "Or is it half full?" I snort, "Don't try that on me mister! What happened to my tea?"

"I got thirsty."

"And that gives ou the right to drink my tea!"



"Because I kidnapped you, so I get to do what ever I want." My breath cought in my throat again and I sunk back into the chair, eyes watering, "That's right, you did, didn't you." I take a drink of tea, a big long drink and through the rest on him. "How dare you take me from my own town!" He yelled like an ape and sprung up like a cat in water, "What's wrong with you!" I could feel my face turn red with anger. "You, You're whats wrong with me! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!"

"Well, you not my favorite either!"

"I don't care, I shouldn't even be here!"

"Now you two calm down and shut up right now or I will pull this car over and beat you BOTH senseless!" We shut up at toms bellow and just glared at each other the rest of the way down the long drive way. The sun was starting to come up and I replayed the night over again in my head.

When I had finnished mulling it over I turn, complete turn to the guy, faceing him. Feet on the seat criss cross apple sauce style, I stared at him, hard. "What's your name, why do you want the money and what do you plan to do to me. I plan to keep all my fingers and toes though."

"We plan to hold you as a hostage until you dad drops the money off in the old fishing store at the river, about 6 hours away from here in about a week, 3:30 am. We'll have you, and he'll have the money. I'm Dante, and that's Tom."

"That plan will never work. Dad will give the note to the cops, the cops'll set up a swat team, you'll all get shot, and I get sent home in a towel, crying because of my tramitization. As much as I hate you two, I don't want you dead. I'll show up alone and serectly mail you all the money."

"Sure you will, and that's probably true so, I'll think of something."

"Dante, how old are you?"

"16 and loveing it." I gape at him and he shruggs, "You're too young for this kind of life! What happened to you as a kid?!" He stared at me for a while, I felt lost in that forest we call eyes. They were beautiful and just amazing. "I didn't have parents, I grew up in a foster home and that's what I need the money for."

"You should of just asked us!"

"Too late now! I would of if it would of been that easy! Your dad would of said 'No, I am not going to give a lowly tramp that much money.' I can just hear it now!"

"My father isn't like that!" He gave me a stern stare for a minute, "Sure he's not." I got up on my kee's and craned over him so I didn't hit my head on the ceiling. You don't know him so how dare you judge him! You don't know what we've been through, nothing near as bad as you but it's taken a toll on both of us. Don't you think for one second you know him, because you don't."

"Guys, we're here." I look out the window at a huge white, old farm house. Oh this aughta be fun! NOT! I'm stuck in a house with two fuggin guys, both kidnapped me, and I'm already to tear both their heads off!

Kidnapped at 14... Can I Go Home Yet?Where stories live. Discover now