Just Get Away From Me! 2

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Chapter 12

Liam can't help but just coldly gaze at Joshua; don't act like we just met, you crazy pervert.

Joshua was stun seeing Liam unusual chilling look, he looks so stern and indifferent at the same time. He can't help but clench his jaw; how dare he look at me like that...

He felt his temple frown deeply, as he glared back at Liam, trying to fight him eye to eye.

Liam rolled his eyes and walked away, he doesn't want to start an argue with a child he just recently met.

Not to mention that has a thing with Regina.

Liam scoffed,"you can have that dense child, I don't have a thing with her. "

While he was strolling around the School, he memorized his path and each room he passes.

He looks around seeing children who are called beastman and beastwoman, children who is trying to impress others by showing their powers and Abilities.

But Liam doesn't care about it, even though he doesn't have any magical power, he clearly is aware of it Because it stated on the novel that Eirwen is born powerless.

His only powerful because he holds the power of the Duchy empire, he was the heir after all, That snake can't hold it because she's incapable.

Without him noticing he finally arrived in front of his personal dorm. When he looked at his door, there were a lot of words painted that stated alot of negative words about him.

Why can't you just die?!
    What a maniac
       You better just die and go to hell!
           Your parents doesn't love you, because your a son of a prostitute!
      What an attention seeker!

Liam was unaffected by the words, this is just a childish prank, he was very indifferent. Meanwhile he felt that his chest suddenly tightened somehow it hurts, is this perhaps Eirwen's feelings?

" Eirwen... It's fine, don't let those words affect you, remember to be strong and if you want something to hold... Just hold me later, I'll never let you go. Like you said, we are one... " Liam muttered under his breath as he feel the pain was slowly vanishing.

Even through Liam is the one controlling the body, but the feelings of the other soul is the only thing that he can't control easily.

He has to get used to this...

He pushes the door opened revealing a large clean and tidy room, Liam can't help but be surprised; would you look at this, this is better than his actual room-...

Everything Is so clean that it brought happiness to Liam's neat freak personality, he immediately close the door and examined the room.

The single window is already perfect enough to light the room, that he doesn't need a lamp in the morning. And the perfect angle of the single chair and table beside the window, with the flower pot placed in the center.

The book shelves that were placed neatly in the corner of the room.

He opened the door that leads him to his bathroom. And that makes Liam think he'll stay here forever...

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