Dangerous Red Flag🚩 3

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Chapter 16

      "What are you doing here? " Joshua can't help but angrily asks.
       " Of course to eat? " Liam exclaimed, as he rolled his eyes away from him.

Liam just scoffed and ignored him as he pulled the void tired looking boy to the other counter as he started to grabbed a lot of Cooking utensils.

 .     "Heh, never I thought a worse persona in the academy suddenly know how to cook." Joshua exclaimed in a jokily tune, Liam just ignored his stupid rattles
      " His annoying- " the boy says in a whisper, Liam can't help but Grinned widely,
    " Yeah, just ignore that bastard and we'll just need to worry about our food instead of him. Because food is important. " Liam chuckled, while he gently patted the young man's head which brought a sudden surprise to the boy.
    " Oh- I'm sorry. Perhaps it's a habit..."  Liam apologized, But the little man said that it was alright. Liam can't help but sees him like an adorablebly tired puppy.

Joshua on the other hand just clicked his tongue, when he sees Eirwen being around with that guy, and when he looks at the boy beside Eirwen. He can't help but feel like he sees him somewhere but can't remember when.

   Few minutes have passed and Joshua already take out his food and place it on the plate. He notices that Eirwen was still cooking and he seems very serious about it, just what is he cooking?

  Indeed Liam was very serious on the outside but in the inside his too excited about the equipment, the stool, the ingredients. They have everything! If it have everything he can cook everything!

  The dark void eyes gazed at Liam, he was focused but he can literally see his eyes sparks even more, "is he excited just by seeing the ingredients and food? " He pondered, he really want to see it spark even more as he said.
   " Do you need any help? I can help you cut some vegetables and fruits? "
Liam can't help but stare at the boy and nodded
    " Can you cut those " Liam pointed using his lips, which confuses the little fella, as he followed his lip movement.
    " What's this? " He questioned as Liam sighed terribly as he pointed his spatula at the tomatos.
    " Those, cut those "

The black fella finally understand, so the lips movement is like pointing. Where did he even learned that.

Another minutes have passed and they are now done, as Liam serve two bowl of ramen. When the boy gaze at the food it's so random and unfamiliar to him, he doesn't see this kind of cooking -

Liam on the other hand, this is his very signature food in his past life, ramen. Ramen is very dangerous that even Naruto likes it.

   " What's that? " Joshua finally meddled in which made the two children gaze at him like "who the hell are you?"
    "  I'm just confused, because it's my first time seeing this kind of food- " it really hates his self esteem to ask what food it was, he can't help it because it smell so Delicious.
    " It's none of your business"  Liam exclaimed, " What? " Joshua scoffed as they both started glaring each other again.

    " Can you just get away from Young master Eirwen. " The young black finally talked as he gently pushes Joshua to distance him away from Eirwen.
    " And who the hell are you pipsqueak! " Joshua snapped as he grabbed his hand, the young man just tiredly gaze at him with his expressionless face.
   " I'm young master's Eirwen's friend. "  He said in an indifferent voice he has, despite having a child-like tune, it can make Joshua shiver his soul.

    " Can you just leave us alone, Joshua. like just forever? ' Liam glared as he slapped Joshua's hand, so that he would let go. And it did, Joshua hissed in pain.
    " The hell? I'm just here to ask about the food but you both are making me look like a bad kid."  He argued as he crossed his hands at his chest.
    " And I thought we already agreed after I shut you all at the dorm. That I don't want to see your face ever again.  If I say again, that means FOREVER. " after he said that he grabbed the two bowls and put them on the moving cart as he signalled the little guy to go first, As he nodded and left.

   " And you also shut down Regina? Despite being her friend for many years? " Joshua scoffed as he glared, Liam turned around and doesn't was look at him as he said.
   " She wasnt my friend, because friends doesn't based on How many years you all spend, But friends are based on trust. And it seems like she trust you more than me. " He walked away after saying that, leaving Joshua all alone at the kitchen.

After he shuts the door close behind him, he sees The little guy waiting for him. While holding the moving cart, Liam can't help but grinned.

  " Let's go " Liam said with a smile painted on his face, when the little black sees that, he can't help but admire it.
   " You should smile more often... " He muttered and Liam just chuckled at that statement,
    " I'm really worried about your future. " He sighed with a smile as they started to walk back at the dorm.

The black child questioned
    " Why? " He tilted his head to the side.
Liam can't help but grinned,
    " Because your tongue is as sweet as honey and I'm worried that it might turn even sweeter in the future. "  Liam smiled.

The black boy can't help but felt his ears suddenly burned, as he confusely tried to taste his tongue.
    " So does that mean my tongue can be eaten? "
When Liam heard that he can't help but looked at the child. Who on earth... When the boy noticed Liam's Dumbfounded face he continued.
     " Because honey's is yummy, when someone licked it. "

Liam can't help but felt his life has been turned upside down, his too dirty for this child's mind.

   " Ye-yeah? Probably. But with someone you like alright- " Liam quickly suggested because he was worried that this child would grow up tasting everyone's tongue to see if it's sweet or not.
    " But Vincent likes Young master Eirwen. " When Liam heard that he can't help but be tensed. Who now?

   " What-whats your name? "  Liam questioned as his sweat dripped down from his cheek.
   " My name is Vincent De Ferals " he responded with his indifferent kind of look he always have.

    What the hell is Vincent de Ferals doing here meeting his worse hateful enemy-?" Liam questioned himself that he felt his life turned 360°

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