44. family

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   For some strange reason, Minho woke up to something other than silence this morning.

   In the mornings he could usually hear a distant shuffling of feet from the hallway outside his room, or muffled voices here and there from the other sides of his room's cement walls, but inside his room it was always quiet. Dead quiet. He definitely never woke up to the sound of an anime ending playing on low volume near him.

   Eyebrows already furrowed with confusion within five seconds of coming into consciousness, Minho slowly blinked his eyes open. And what he saw confused him even more. He was used to looking straight out the window the moment he opened his eyes every morning— seeing the thin line of sky peeking over the tops of the campus buildings. At first he'd thought he'd lost his mind when he only saw a wall.

   ...A wall with plastered with Twice posters (congregated around one of the two desks).

holy shit i'm still in jilix's room.

   Minho threw himself up into a sitting position so fast he would've sworn he felt his organs shift.

   "Oh, good morning, hyung!" An awfully chipper, yet drowsy, deep voice called, to his left. Whipping his head to the side without even considering wiping the panicked expression and dulling the wild look in his eyes due to his groggy bewilderment causing a lapse in habitual judgement, Minho found that Felix and Jisung were laying on the other side (technically the other mattress) of the bed he'd just been sleeping on, cuddled up with Jisung's laptop at their feet, playing the newest episode of whatever anime that was (Minho didn't care enough to figure out— the only thing he currently cared about was— FUCK, I FELL ASLEEP )

   See, it was one disconcerting, uncomfortable thing to fall asleep with someone (or somethree) else in the room, able to see him. It was another to sleep on a bed that other people were also sleeping on. But it was a completely different thing to have mysteriously— one could say magically, even— gone from the floor to said bed between the time that he fell asleep and woke up— and, for that matter, to have woken up covered with a blanket he most certainly did not remember putting on himself.

   ...One or both of the two cuddling boys to his left must have picked him up off the floor last night and carried him to the bed.

   He really tried not to freak out.

   But still, he couldn't change the fact that the first response his body had to that realization was a dropping of his stomach and a running of a chill down his spine. He must've looked like his head was about to implode, because that's how he felt, and it's not like that was new to him, but at this very moment, after just waking up, he was unable to hide it.

   The warmth of the soothing smile Jisung flashed at him somehow placated Minho enough to leave him only scratching anxiously at his neck, just a little. It made him remember that this sort of thing— letting people take care of him, and letting people see him in a such a state state of vulnerability as unconsciousness— was something he didn't need to loathe himself for anymore. It wasn't as big of a deal as Minho's frazzled mind wanted to convince him that it was.

right... i guess i have to get used to this stuff.

...i want to be able to be used to this stuff. i want to not make it weird anymore, because clearly to them it isn't weird. i just want it to be simple. i wanna not care.

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