{changlix deets}

917 28 13

... little changlix moment because it's needed ...

Changbin had only been to the Jilix room once before. Actually, he hadn't been on any floors but his own except that one day where he came to visit Felix.

He poked around the hallway while he tried to remember which room it was, then finally knocked on the door, hoping he didn't go to the wrong one. But then again, it was the only door with stickers and notes all over it, so of course it was Jisung and Felix's room. No answer came, so he slowly opened the door.

Sure enough, Felix was sleeping soundly, tucked cozily into one side of the combined bed, his chest slowly rising and falling. This did something to Changbin, big time.

Something about the utter relaxation of his whole body and expression (or lack of expression), along with the splaying of his reddish hair that shone with a fiery quality in the patches of sunlight filtering into the room, and maybe even the little, slow, mid-dream-twitches of his lips as well— somehow it all made Felix look like he should've had a halo over his head; he looked entirely and absolutely angelic.

He leaned on the door frame, a light imprint of a lazy, dreamy smile frozen on his face as he took in the sight. He really didn't wanna have to wake the poor, adorable, sleeping boy, but then again, something in him really wanted to see how Felix's eyes might twinkle at him when he woke (and maybe he also felt like a bit of a creep for watching him sleep). He knelt beside the bed.

Again, he was frozen still as he stared, captivated by the illogically beautiful being resting before him. And then he remembered that Chan would let both of them have it if he took too long.

One gentle hand pressing against Felix's freckle-stained cheek; the other falling overtop of Felix's open palm. The boy woke with a little jolt; startled by the sudden touch, he fought to open his eyes and sit up to find out who touched him— and his reaction when he did see—  Changbin's heart hurt. It was painfully adorable.

Just as he knew they would, Felix's puffy, sleep-tinted eyes twinkled; became the stars and the crescent moon when he smiled wide at the sight of Changbin. However, the sight of him also put him at ease, so he laid back again, taking hold of Changbin's hand and letting it engulf his, and closed his eyes.

"Lixie, it's almost 8."

"Oh.." The oceans-deep voice that came out of this angel's mouth always caused a bit of a disorienting shock, especially in the morning, when the voice was thick and husky. Changbin knew Felix's voice by now, after the several years that they'd been around each other, but that didn't stop him from getting whiplash time and time again.  "Tell Chan hyung to wait a couple minutes..." As he snuggled into his pillow, he added, "or hours..."

"Come on, Lix. I'm not going home without you. Besides, if I have to get up early, you do too." Changbin didn't hesitate to scoop him up, blanket and all. "I'll come back for your stuff."

Felix whined groggily into Changbin's chest, mumbling some incoherent, half-hearted complaint, because really, he was enjoying Changbin carrying him.

. . . . . .

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