chapter six

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When I tell Brie about the success of Stage One of our plan the next day, she seems more excited than I am when. But I too, am happier than I have been in a while— which is strange, because I will have to devote a large chunk of the rest of summer to the one person I never wanted to: Rafe Cameron.

But for a small wrinkle in time, both of us have completely forgotten about the consequences to Brie's ingenious plan. At least, she might have. I have only temporarily pushed it to the back of my mind.

"See?" She says, laughing. "I told you! I told you Rafe could surprise you and be your Prince Charming. I called it," she says proudly. "I fucking called it."

"Fine," I say, rolling my eyes jokingly. "You called it. You win!"

"Thank you for appreciating my win, Luxie." She slaps my cheek lightly. "In other words...I have to say, I'm quite impressed with the whole 'sheet of rules' you two made. Even more impressed by the fact that you two agreed on six whole rules."

"I know," I say. "I was quite surprised about it myself. And that he was being...strangely cooperative."

"Look, you said it yourself," she says. "You both need this just as badly. And I have a feeling that Rafe Cameron will cooperate just perfectly when he is getting a lot out of the bargain. Perhaps he's getting a lot out of this than he's letting on."

"Maybe," I say thoughtfully, staring up at the pale blue sky. It seems like Agatha has subsided— she hasn't made an appearance yesterday or today. "Honestly, I believe you. Based on how accurate you've been about emotions and people recently, I think you should totally be a neurologist, or whatever it is."

A pfft escapes her lips. "Oh please. I'm all body, but no brain. I'm not like you."

"Oh, I see," I tease. "So you're saying I'm all brain but no body? Hey, just because I don't have your C cups doesn't mean shit."

She shoves my shoulder. "Hey, you know what I meant. You're going to land it in fucking Harvard in a year. Everyone on the island knows it."

"Cut yourself some slack," I say. "You're not so bad yourself. You didn't fail any classes this year, at least."

"I didn't fail any classes," she says with a blank face. "But my average was a C- overall. What was yours again? A-? Didn't you make the Honor Roll, too?"

"Yes. Fine. I did! So what?"

"So, it's exactly like I said, you—"

Brie trails on and on, but I focus on my surroundings and realize I'm standing straight in front of where I need to fork off.

"Look, Brie," I say, cutting her off. She scowls. "I'd love to continue this fascinating conversation about Honor Roll, but I've got to head off here. I'm going to Rafe."

"You're going to see Rafe? Now? On a Sunday morning? I thought you guys were only pretending to be together at parties, social gatherings, and whatnot."

"We are," I say. "But every Sunday, we meet— just for a couple hours. To get to know each other a little bit more."

"Why? You're going to waste half your summer on him this way, you realize that, right?"

"Yes, but— we need to make it look realistic. If we're awkward and cold around each other, who's going to believe anything we say? And if anyone— anyone, finds out the whole thing is a sham, I don't think I'd be able to show my face anywhere anymore."

She raises a brow, but nods her head. "I suppose you're right. What do you have in mind for today?"

"It's a secret," I smile cheekily. "But I think it'll be good. People will see us...and it's a good way to at least talk to him, even if it's only for a bit."

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now