chapter seventeen

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As dinner is served, my nerves start to escalate again. I'm constantly on guard once again, trying to avoid any mention of certain people and topics. Sarah's face of betrayal couldn't stop blazing in my head. But it's hard to avoid her here. My heart races every time someone even mentions her name.

Rafe, just like how he was years ago, is able to notice my unease immediately. He leans closer to me, his lips gently brushing my ear. "Why do you look so constipated at a dinner party?"

My head immediately snaps towards him. There's not an ounce of worry in his eyes. He's just smiling. I roll my eyes at him while I play with my peas.

"Trying to impress everyone with your 'serious face'?"

I shoot him a glare. His teasing isn't managing to ease much of my tension. "Oh, please," I retort, rolling my eyes. "I just didn't know being a fake-girlfriend required so much acting."

He smirks, clearly enjoying our banter like he always does. "If you haven't been able to tell by now, I'm an expert in pretending. And lying. It's a family trait," he quips.

I can't help but snort at that. "Mmm, I think being a pathological liar is just something you've just developed over time."

He frowns.

I laugh.

Before Rafe can respond with a witty comeback, his father, Ward, interjects with a smile. "What's so funny, you two?"

Rafe glances at his dad. "Oh, nothing. Nothing important."

Ward shifts his gaze between us knowingly. "Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask— Lux— what are your plans for the future? College? I know with these two—" He points at my parents— "you're not getting off the hook with that one anytime soon."

I laugh. He's right. Ever since 7th Grade, the words "college" have blazed in my head for a large part of my waking life. I gratefully seize the opportunity to change the subject, grateful for the shift away from Rafe and me. "Oh, it's going well," I reply.

"Where are you looking at? East Coast? West Coast?"

"Nothing's set in stone yet, of course. Harvard is still the goal, but I'm keeping my options open."

"Of course!" Ward exclaims proudly. "Harvard. Harvard Law School. You gonna be the next Elle Woods?" He flashes a smile, a staggering shade of pearly white.

I chuckle at Ward's enthusiasm. "Well, I can't promise the pink wardrobe, but maybe I'll channel some of her determination." I grin.

Rose chimes in. "That's wonderful." Her smile widens. "You've always been so focused and driven. I have no doubt that you'll achieve whatever you set your mind to. You two must be so proud." She smiles almost enviously at my parents, who just smile and sip their wine glasses.

Rafe leans back into his chair, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Yeah, Lux, I can totally see you acing the LSATs and using your legal skills to argue your way out of every speeding ticket."

I raise an eyebrow, my lips curling into a mischievous grin. "Well, Rafe, at least I'll have some valuable life skills while you continue to rely on your supposed charm to sweet-talk your way out of any situation."

Rafe's grin turns into a full-fledged smirk, and a chuckle escapes his lips. "I think my charm has gotten me pretty far."

"Oh, I'm sure it has," I reply, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Just as far as the last girl you tried to impress with that stupid face of yours." I don't realize I've brought up Cassie until I've said the sentence, but gladly no one seems to notice. Rafe, however, narrows his eyes at me, just slightly enough for me to know that he's thinking about her again.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now