chapter twenty two

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In ordinary circumstances, I would have been in awe at Rafe for swooping in and saving me from Lisa's relentless threatening. I might have even cracked a joke about him being my unexpected knight in shining armor. But these weren't ordinary circumstances, and so I erupted at him.

"What the hell, Rafe? What the hell is wrong with you?"

He released my wrist and crossed his arms, leaning against a secluded wall. His gaze was intense, unwavering, and it sent shivers down my spine. Instead of responding to my outburst, he just looked at me, his expression unreadable.

"What were you thinking back there? And bringing me here? I need to go!" I make a dash to leave, but he blocks me. I stare back up at him, but he again doesn't say anything.

I clenched my fists at my sides. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I demanded, my voice laced with irritation.

Rafe remained silent for a moment, his eyes searching mine as if he was trying to unravel me with his eyes. Then, he finally spoke, his voice low and intense. "You clearly couldn't handle her and her intensity."

I scoffed, not willing to let him off that easily. "I would have handled her very well on my own, thank you! I don't need your help at every corner and turn, okay? I was my own person before we started this whole thing. I don't need you now." I pause for a moment, just to lick my lips. "And so you just had to intervene, is that it? This is my mess, Rafe, not yours."

He took a step closer, almost closing the gap between us. The air crackled with tension as he looked down at me, his voice not softening one bit. "And you clearly didn't need my help with Aaron either, right?" He retorted, a sly smirk playing on his lips. "Let's not pretend you were handling that situation swimmingly on your own."

I gritted my teeth, annoyed that he could argue the way he could. Sometimes I would think that Rafe was the one who should be the lawyer, not me. It came naturally to him, and occasionally, it would leave me speechless. "That's not the point, Rafe. I asked for you to help me, and you did. But I didn't ask you to beat him halfway to death and threaten his mother. I don't need you playing the hero."

His gaze intensified, but the corners of his mouth twitched. "You might not have asked, but you know you needed it. And don't act like you didn't enjoy me swooping in. I saw the relief in your eyes when I pulled you away from her."

I huffed in frustration, crossing my arms. "Relief? That's not—"

He cut me off, leaning in so close that our noses almost touched. "You can deny it all you want, Lux. We both know it's true. You know you're not as invincible as you'd like to think."

For just a few moments, we stayed in that same position, without saying a word, our eyes refusing to move off each other. I looked at him, unable to take my eyes off him. His gaze flickered down to what seemed like my lips, but I couldn't be sure.

Then I blinked, and realization settled through my body. I pushed him away, his proximity unnerving. "You need to leave," I grit out as I clench my jaw, rage fuming through me. "You need to get out."

He chuckled, a low and maddening sound. "You needed it, whether you want to admit it or not. But fine, Lux, let's play it your way. Handle your mess. Let's see how well you manage on your own."

Finally, I explode. "July 2nd," I exclaim.

Finally, the smug smirk on his face is wiped off and replaced with confusion. "What?"

"That's today's date. Midsummers is July 8th. Senior Year starts September 6th."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now