the fountain

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Love is just a word I made for you,
My heart skipped a beat and made it two.
I don't know how to wish and make it true
And I don't know how to say that I want you.

Love is how my arms wrap in your heart
And the way the wind waves to mimic art.
I'm scared, I'll lay it bare: I don't know what to do.
I'm not prepared, I'm turning blue,
It's all for you.

I want to declare our whispered words and make them air.
I want to run through the forest, we'll find trouble there.
I want to kiss your coordinates for my immortal bliss.
I want to bite your lip til you hiss and the blood's on my chin.

Love is just a word I made for you.
I saw your smile in a canvas I drew
(Maybe a few?)
I didn't count, it didn't matter, as my heart grew.
I don't know how to say that I want you.

Who am I to say that this all matters?
I'll serve you my heart on a silver platter.

Who am I to say that this all matters?
I've been watching you chew.
I've seen the splatters.

Just eat it. Just eat it. Just eat it.

Just eat it!

Just eat it. Just eat it. Just eat it.

Just eat—

Love is just a word I made for you.
My heart skipped a beat and made it two.
I don't know how to wish and make it true.

I'll flip a coin.
I hope you join.
Heads or tails?

I wish you loved me how I love you.

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